Anita Jade Flower

Marchioness of Autres Temps, Grand cross of the Order of Hunters, President of the Motorists Society, Peer of the realm of Logres, Mayoress of Baile Na Séad, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Believers, Blessed, Merit, Denar and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of War Cross, Member of the Union of Leatherworkers and Pitsawyers

Bertha Jade Flower, aka Bertha “Crassula”

Lady of Jade City, Village chief of Tool Town and Flowerland, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Hunters and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Military Valour, Mines, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded

Fanny Jade Flower

Commander of the Order of Rulers and Civilian Victims, Priestess of Jade City, Village chief of Copperburg and Gratot, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Hunters and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Rubyland, Knight of the Order of Merit, Agriculture Merit and Mines, Member of the Coke ovens and Willow Groves Society, Member of the Union of Butchers

Mercedes Jade Flower, aka Mercedes “Jungle Bunny”

Grand cross of the Order of Civilian Victims, Mayoress of Château-Blanc, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Builders and Hunters, Village chief of Western Coal, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Merit, Denar, Mines, Merchants and Military Wounded, Hamlet chief of Orchrist, Knight of the Order of War Cross and Military Valour, Member of the Motorists, Coke ovens and Larch Forests Society, Member of the Union of Coke workers

Narcisse Jade Flower, aka Narcisse “Manservant”

Mayor of Arbre, Officer of the Order of Builders, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Merit and Merchants, Member of the Union of Saddlers and Pitsawyers, Member of the Motorists Society

Armorial House Jade Flower

House Jade Flower

House Jade Flower

Founded on 1650368716

Characters: Anita Jade Flower: Marchioness of Autres Temps, Grand cross of the Order of Hunters, President of the Motorists Society, Peer of the realm of Logres, Mayoress of Baile Na Séad, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Believers, Blessed, Merit, Denar and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of War Cross, Member of the Union of Leatherworkers and Pitsawyers, Bertha “Crassula”: Lady of Jade City, Village chief of Tool Town and Flowerland, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Hunters and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Military Valour, Mines, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded, Fanny Jade Flower: Commander of the Order of Rulers and Civilian Victims, Priestess of Jade City, Village chief of Copperburg and Gratot, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Hunters and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Rubyland, Knight of the Order of Merit, Agriculture Merit and Mines, Member of the Coke ovens and Willow Groves Society, Member of the Union of Butchers, Mercedes “Jungle Bunny”: Grand cross of the Order of Civilian Victims, Mayoress of Château-Blanc, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Builders and Hunters, Village chief of Western Coal, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Merit, Denar, Mines, Merchants and Military Wounded, Hamlet chief of Orchrist, Knight of the Order of War Cross and Military Valour, Member of the Motorists, Coke ovens and Larch Forests Society, Member of the Union of Coke workers, Narcisse “Manservant”: Mayor of Arbre, Officer of the Order of Builders, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Merit and Merchants, Member of the Union of Saddlers and Pitsawyers, Member of the Motorists Society.

Family crypt: Pernette “The Pure”: Lady of Jade Flowers, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Builders, Merit and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients and Agriculture Merit, Member of the Union of Pitsawyers and Resin Burners, Member of the Pitch Producers Society.


No personal information

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