Lenaelle Kast Van Aven, aka Lenaelle “Lady of Snow”

Grand mistress of the Order of Holy Spirit, Assistant, President of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, President of the Rabbit Breeders Society, Grand cross of the Order of Civilian Victims, Grand officer of the Order of Ancients and Mines, Prioress of Douce Motanka and Saint Chloé, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Builders, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Hunters and Feather of Molière

Alexandra Kast Litvin Van Aven, aka Alexandra “Damsel of Winter”

Grand princess consort of Uroboros, President of the Union of Engineers, President of the Mechanicians Society, Grand officer of the Order of Builders, Lady of Shchastya, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Rulers, Hunters, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded, Officer of the Order of Believers and Merit, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Denar, War Cross, Military Valour and Civilian Victims, Member of the Rabbit Breeders and Hen Breeders Society, Member of the Union of Blacksmiths

Guillemette Kast Bronn Patano, aka Guillemette “La Guepe the Wasp”

Grand cross of the Order of Hunters and Mines, President of the Union of Blacksmiths, President of the Limestone Quarries Society, Grand officer of the Order of Blessed and Agriculture Merit, Mayoress of Hrushev, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Builders, Merchants, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Village chief of Bdzhola, Oden and Radist, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Merit, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Believers, Denar, Military Valour and Feather of Molière, Member of the Union of Quarrymen, Member of the Butter Producers Society

Aneglie Kast the Sigma Male, aka Aneglie “Nilie”

High priestess of Urgos, Duchess consort of Nethilor, Grand cross of the Order of Builders, Lady mayor consort of Veltharis, Grand officer of the Order of Believers, Prioress of Mali Ostriv, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Rulers, Hunters and Agriculture Merit, Village chief of Sriblo, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Merit, Military Valour, Mines, Merchants and Military Wounded, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Denar, War Cross and Civilian Victims

Oleksandrina Kast Litvin Van Aven

Priestess of Montmorency and Poisson Rock, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Believers

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Armorial House Kast

House Kast

House Kast

Founded on 1618758732

Characters: Lenaelle “Lady of Snow”: Grand mistress of the Order of Holy Spirit, Assistant, President of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, President of the Rabbit Breeders Society, Grand cross of the Order of Civilian Victims, Grand officer of the Order of Ancients and Mines, Prioress of Douce Motanka and Saint Chloé, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Builders, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Hunters and Feather of Molière, Alexandra “Damsel of Winter”: Grand princess consort of Uroboros, President of the Union of Engineers, President of the Mechanicians Society, Grand officer of the Order of Builders, Lady of Shchastya, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Rulers, Hunters, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded, Officer of the Order of Believers and Merit, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Denar, War Cross, Military Valour and Civilian Victims, Member of the Rabbit Breeders and Hen Breeders Society, Member of the Union of Blacksmiths, Guillemette “La Guepe the Wasp”: Grand cross of the Order of Hunters and Mines, President of the Union of Blacksmiths, President of the Limestone Quarries Society, Grand officer of the Order of Blessed and Agriculture Merit, Mayoress of Hrushev, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Builders, Merchants, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Village chief of Bdzhola, Oden and Radist, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Merit, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Believers, Denar, Military Valour and Feather of Molière, Member of the Union of Quarrymen, Member of the Butter Producers Society, Aneglie “Nilie”: High priestess of Urgos, Duchess consort of Nethilor, Grand cross of the Order of Builders, Lady mayor consort of Veltharis, Grand officer of the Order of Believers, Prioress of Mali Ostriv, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Rulers, Hunters and Agriculture Merit, Village chief of Sriblo, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Merit, Military Valour, Mines, Merchants and Military Wounded, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Denar, War Cross and Civilian Victims, Oleksandrina Kast Litvin Van Aven: Priestess of Montmorency and Poisson Rock, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Believers.

Family crypt: Garance “Fragrance Croissant”: Grand mistress of the Order of Cartographers, Commander of the Order of Mines, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Blessed, Builders and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Denar and Merchants, Member of the Maple Syrup Producers Society.

 1332.  122.

Babulia Slava Ukrain, 75 years

Odessa, Odessa, Ukraine

ODAyM4mRsoqLk35+j7RtkLSWf3WiqK1kjpesjYqRbZCbon+Mo6d+ZKWjqlePpJ+eioaAiX2yen6j oZCh5uTfV4qRn46atpqlfaSMfqO3qaTelqx4wNDvzL2Gep+JooGLlqaMfdLk7leNo5+LnraapX2m jH6jobCT5JasYrrG38d9k3i+0NS3xt7mtpvU0u6XvIasibrabYuIln2bxsOUV6S1n2SewuzGfZOO xcfjrH6jt3xrqKWzV42lxMjLxrjBwd+tfqOhbXejlrJifZq9rcDGbYuIyLHN1Nltd6OWsmJ9mr5+ ipFtjpqWep/Gw5RXprWoV4qVq4mQkXmOipZ/nJaoi1eotKtpi5OujJGWeY19qIuKqKR6ZqSqr2OM hrGcfaZ6fpChbZqjlnpiueDvpb2GrIl9loquqr1tjLWWenjS4+dXiqfiyM3UrX6Kt3mKqqNtZ7W8 26XMhq+bfZOOrqq9bY61lnpi2dLtV4qR3L69z22LiNbAvODetaff2t2TzMbefoqRqtJ9o3h+prOd hL2WrXZ9k8C6ys5ti57dt8vVlnp4paqrZ42Gr52vyrS7zeNti6HVbWSosuyUx9Pfun2Win6Kt52r vZZ9dp+WrGaJkbCNiJF/fo+0bZC0ln91oqisa5GUrI6Plm2Qm6J/i6qqe2SmqK9Xj6SfnoqGgIl9 snp+o6FtZ7PGzH59lL5+iqepy8WWep/d4LqWlqPAZpCasop9loyjvdK2fqOhk5Pk5Z9kiK3jzc7K tn6KoZ6635Z6YrLn36B9lrx+iqedq6SWfZ2Wo3ip0uSfZIjD6cvGj22LjKJ4j6SofmqWqL1Xj6Sf kJuSf4uRqYCJo6p9V6i0q2mKmrKRiJOBjn2oi362o21qoZa7ZH2Tqn6No52rpJZ7nZajjpPj3p9k ns3py7yGep+JpH+QopZ9drjS7JPGxN9+ipFtnoqWgImWqot449LhpLnP3b59k3icyuCxzOTStqaW tqxXkJGfkpyGeol9pop+o7edhL2Wr3Z9k6rCy4Z6ibzWqb2flnpmo6KtY4iVn5Cbhn+cfaiLiqej gWaoprBljoaxnImXepKMqH2PpKdtabSWv2R9map+mZNti4iWfZvGw5RXpLWfZJ7C7MZ9k47Fx+Os fqO3eWWoqKtXjaXBvrqGi4x9soHN4+asl5ajqn251O5+jaNti57GmqWWpoxXo6Hxk8uGrIm60LrH hpZ6jaKkfminp59pm4axnH2Yi4qOo3yKqKl8Z6GWsXWJl6yNiZiAjY2hbZC0lo1klqmqV5mTn4uI hn2brcOUfqS1bWS30uyffZPAxcfTrH6Kt3mJqKZ8V6a1u6C9yObCvYZ6iaPSu82Wo3im2dafZIi0 48DFwm2LiL6pxdaWfXSWo8CHqq2fjpyGeonP0rt+o6GqoePfqFeKlauJkJd9kn2oi36otG1ptKKw ZIqXrY6KkYF+j7R5j6OjfmWmo6prfZi9fp2TbZGIlomLlqN4htnS3FeblJ+akYZ6iX22en6poW1r tL3jocaGv4t9mXh+kbVti6Hau1ejod6XucWofoqVgYyLo39+qLRtabSWsXWJl6yKkZOAi5CnbZC0 on5koqqsaoqZsH6PpG2eipaAiZayelejoc6awYa9jH2igcC55qx+o6GTk+Tln2SI2NvMfZN4u8fj toeWo3xroqOra32YvX6PpG2Qm6J+i6KpfGKop6tXj6Srj4qSgI2IqH6KlqiLV7ajn2qIhruLfZN4 fo2znau9lnt2lqPAk8rOn4uezbfLvJZ6n6qhe2mWpr5/udXizsrKtr59o3ik0uS8V6OhvKTHz+h+ ipGYuszStsiWpopXo7fPhKSGr519k3jQueRti6HTt6Tfn59kjJSzi5CWbZCbln+clqiLY6eis2eR lKuLjYZ/nImneZKmqntjo6afaZuGv4t9mXh+maNti6GWfXTGw8ZXi6Wfi57CusZ9o47F4OOsV6O3 sGSKkp+OnKSwy9HkqcXWlnpivNLtpn2TqqXB1b7CxpZ6icfStlejobuovc+fjpqGep+tw5R+prVt ZKHo26V9k6q7x9O2h32jfA==

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