Columbus Zijthoff, aka Columbus “Mr Singh”

Grand officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Feather of Shakespeare, Elder of the brotherhood of Norf, Knight of the Order of Agriculture Merit

Aldusa Zijthoff, aka Aldusa “Boreala”

Archchancellor and Elector de Grand Ōsaka, Grand cross of the Order of Builders, Abbess of Mont-Saint-Sneed, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit and Military Valour, Vice-mayoress of Fort Airain, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers and Believers, Member of the Breweries Society, Member of the brotherhood of Union of Free and Independent Religion

Maynard Zijthoff, aka Maynard “O Cabrão”

Lawton Zijthoff, aka Lawton “Collion Head”

Prior of Malešov, Knight of the Order of Blessed and Builders

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Armorial House Zijthoff

House Zijthoff

House Zijthoff

Founded on 1618699032

Characters: Columbus “Mr Singh”: Grand officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Feather of Shakespeare, Elder of the brotherhood of Norf, Knight of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Aldusa “Boreala”: Archchancellor and Elector de Grand Ōsaka, Grand cross of the Order of Builders, Abbess of Mont-Saint-Sneed, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit and Military Valour, Vice-mayoress of Fort Airain, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers and Believers, Member of the Breweries Society, Member of the brotherhood of Union of Free and Independent Religion, Maynard “O Cabrão”, Lawton “Collion Head”: Prior of Malešov, Knight of the Order of Blessed and Builders.

Family crypt: Ismene “Bürgermeister”: Grand cross of the Order of Merchants, President of the Union of Founders, Commander of the Order of Builders, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients and Merit, Member of the Breweries Society, Wilfrid “The Elder”: Officer of the Order of Ancients and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Hunters, Hugh “Mungus”: Commander of the Order of Merchants, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Hunters and Civilian Victims, Yvonne “Llorona”: President of the Breweries Society, Abbess of Frigos, Canoness de Innitsby, Village chief of Regensburg, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders and Denar, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Believers, Blessed, Mines, Merchants, Feather of Shakespeare and Civilian Victims, Charles Zijthoff: Knight of the Order of Denar, Anacletus “Fragile”: Grand cross of the Order of Ancients and Believers, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Commander of the Order of Merit, Officer of the Order of Denar and Military Valour, Lum “Goliard”: Commander of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Denar and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Merit and Military Valour, Member of the Nailmakers Society, Member of the Union of Diggers, Arnolf “Beggar”: Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers and Builders, Knight of the Order of Believers, Blessed, Merit, Denar and Merchants, Member of the Turnip Growers Society, Fanny “Ex-Janny”, Sieuwerd Stuhr Van de Donkere Toren: Moderator, Knight of the Order of Ancients.

 586.  141.

Lisbon, Portugal

ODQxM4CldaOIpmeVhnRVp3tWZ4ZpaHh5hKZ3qIWkVaeSYmejbmZidXBndWiGt2q1gZlooHRyYpVq YVV4eoaXj3SniZWBupHivFZitqSgoqddY4t4f616p3SpdLywqKTfplZic5Kar7e346vWdKlylYF3 hcKEVmWHXWN1urDnaqJ/1p/ivV9VomxiYXNqZXd3dKuIlYa3VaeSYmejbmNmdXBoeGiGt3angqpi poFpZ6NdaHNofWNqe3+ZhqJ0pmCxwaWY5apWYnNddndoh6RqqZLHmNG9nKOVfWNVe2hWfod0pnXZ wplioLOWkdRmVmJ3aWJ1dIeqepWGt1WnklZns2loY3lpaHZ4f6Zqp5KlZ6OFYmehbWFiaG90aoiB mX2gdLVilYFhVaV6hoKPXWSJaIG6puK8mWK2u6Ci1F1jdnhoaXxzdKmJvbDtntHBlVWiaIuZrayZ tKm1mXqydKZ2xaF9VaV8VmJzr5K4aIGkp9/B4l6VgWVhoWhhZnhvVnyGdKuIlYa3YaeCZmmkcGlp dl1oiHSGp3qpg6xoqYJWZ7NddmJocGFqhIGZd6CQ5qTYxKNVomiLma2smbSptZl3oMbVo5WBYZLf qp9eaGpldnOHqnykhplns3Roc5VvdGF6a2R8eIeke6N0q3OhhmRjp21pYHlrVnyGdLl3lYekVbGB VmKgjZ2ptquWanV/zq7aw9yf1rVWYqChpFV1aJWqpLOiaqKDpWCohWFoqF1oc2hvdGp6kqV8o4Kq YKSBYWOVb3Rhemtke3ODpnWjdKtzlZRjVahoVnF1XWN1mLvtuOO0mWKgqZqa5KCglqldY3W6sOdq on/Wn+K9X1WibGJge21ofXh0q4iVhrdVp5JiZ6NrZmN1a2h+aIa3dqeCp2WjgmFip11oc2h9Y2p7 f5mGonSmYJWEc4XChFZjh11ji6TB4WqileCf4rNWYrZsZmN3bFZ6h5fprNh0pmCVlGNVqGhWaYaF prOqxOdqtYGZaKB0anSVamFVeHpWd4mkxpGVhLhVon+ao5VqYZSomZVzaH+1arWBmWigdHJilWph VXh6hpePdKeJlYG6keK8VmK2pKCip11ji3WCpHehdKl0x7idluKhlVV1aFaKdXSsdZWIt4TYtFZi oH2dlKiqVop1dKx1lYi4VaJ/VmWyXWN2mIp9aniTmXeguOdVon+VldGcX1VzeVaKdXSsdZWQplWi f1Zlso2DfGhrdWp1ldW33XSmdty+o5SVandkeG5hdWiEuI7jvNme1XRjYJV9Y1V7aFZ+hpGZiKN0 tnPitpai3Z2ao7edo2qIgZl9oHStdJWBYVWlelZiiY2DkWiEuGqif92jlYFhlNWZlV5oamV2c4Co dqeHmWezdGhzlW90YXpqYn50iKx1pHSrc6GGY2GpaWpoc2xWfIZ0uXeVh6RVsYFWYqBdZnKYin1q dpOZd7aw5p2VgXec36qVVXV+ZXt7h6tqpZO1nNTEpJGVamGKrKKlrbK12mqlkZlitqSDfJVtdVV1 aKimtnSmddK+5p6edGNkoWhhaXVqYmp6kpl8s3Src6GGY2Ggbmlhc25WfIaAq3ehf6pooX9nVad7 VnV1XWl1aJCmaqJ/t5HduJ2c311jYJ2hm7mrvtqrlYGkmeN0Y2DUnZKUcV1jeXR/pH2nf6VVp5JW Z7NdaHN0b2N1fIasd6GHmWezgGhioHFoaHVpaWp6kpmKonSsYJWQY1WiaHSRsKGdsbJ0pnXKuN6k 2L6XlpVqYaekq1Z3c7Hjt959mWKk

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