Edmond d'Arborea, aka Edmond “The Holy Father”

Archbishop and Vicar of Puerto Bellota, Cardinal, Grand cross of the Order of Believers, Builders and Merchants, President of the Union of Carpenters, Grand officer of the Order of Hunters, Mayor of Fort Airain and Nihonbashi, Commander of the Order of Merit and Denar, Priest of Fort Airain and Nihonbashi, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Rulers and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Military Valour, Feather of Shakespeare and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Bricklayers, Metallurgists and Glaziers, Member of the Bell Founders Society

Wilfrid d'Arborea Ray

Prince consort of Gotia, Governor of the district of Grand Ōsaka, Grand cross of the Order of Builders and Merit, Lord mayor consort of Gothland, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Peer of the realm of Shameheim, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit, Military Valour and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Denar, War Cross, Feather of Shakespeare and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Ancients and Hunters

Junie d'Arborea

Grand cross of the Order of Builders and Merchants, President of the Union of Founders, President of the Lutemakers Society, Grand mistress of the guild of Osaka Company, Lady mayoress of Puerto Bellota, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Commander of the Order of Denar, Officer of the Order of Merit, Member of the Bell Founders Society, Member of the Union of Bricklayers, Carpenters and Luthiers

Desdemona d'Arborea

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Armorial House D'Arborea

House D'Arborea

House D'Arborea

Founded on 1618697130

Characters: Edmond “The Holy Father”: Archbishop and Vicar of Puerto Bellota, Cardinal, Grand cross of the Order of Believers, Builders and Merchants, President of the Union of Carpenters, Grand officer of the Order of Hunters, Mayor of Fort Airain and Nihonbashi, Commander of the Order of Merit and Denar, Priest of Fort Airain and Nihonbashi, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Rulers and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Military Valour, Feather of Shakespeare and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Bricklayers, Metallurgists and Glaziers, Member of the Bell Founders Society, Wilfrid d'Arborea Ray: Prince consort of Gotia, Governor of the district of Grand Ōsaka, Grand cross of the Order of Builders and Merit, Lord mayor consort of Gothland, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Peer of the realm of Shameheim, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit, Military Valour and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Denar, War Cross, Feather of Shakespeare and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Ancients and Hunters, Junie d'Arborea: Grand cross of the Order of Builders and Merchants, President of the Union of Founders, President of the Lutemakers Society, Grand mistress of the guild of Osaka Company, Lady mayoress of Puerto Bellota, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Commander of the Order of Denar, Officer of the Order of Merit, Member of the Bell Founders Society, Member of the Union of Bricklayers, Carpenters and Luthiers, Desdemona d'Arborea.

Family crypt: Josephine “The Witch”: Grand mistress of the Order of Believers, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Commander of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Builders and Merit, Kenneth d'Arborea: Cardinal, Grand cross of the Order of Merchants, President of the Lutemakers Society, Mayor of Holy Ōsaka, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Officer of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Builders and Mines, Member of the Bell Founders and Bed Manufacturers Society, Member of the brotherhood of Norf, Wilbur d'Arborea: Supreme pontiff, Commander of the Order of Merchants, Officer of the Order of Believers, Knight of the Order of Hunters, Denar, War Cross and Military Wounded, Enrico “Monsieur Wonderful”: Elector de Grand Ōsaka, Grand master of the Order of Denar, Grand cross of the Order of Merchants, Grand master of the guild of Osaka Company, Lord of Osaka, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Blessed and Builders, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Believers, Hunters, Military Valour, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Member of the academy of Veritatis, Knight of the Order of Merit, War Cross, Agriculture Merit and Feather of Shakespeare, Member of the Bell Founders Society, Lelia d'Arborea: Officer of the Order of Ancients and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Denar, Member of the Horticulturists Society, Killian d'Arborea: Member of the academy of Applied Tomfoolery, Member of the brotherhood of Alfonso, Catherine d'Arborea: Commander of the Order of Rulers, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Merit, Denar and Merchants.

 290.  184.


Ōsaka, Japan

ODQzMXKed4lxo6h+eISdkIVmr3ZzeHlqd6N9jXefnZCEcq+MeXeuanZ3eFh4sGuec5KwiWaCqn50 cZ1ohJaYf2agin5zs9nLrmaqn66w6pdnc4xneqR6kmaivKOwtN3JqqrmmGdzdliGn2uRcZKxnJWp 3X50cc+ctqSuWIafa5FxkrGdZnOofneDnWWIlph/ZqKKfnOd4cxmc6i9p6LcYWdzemRxpneNdKad kIRmr5xneLtkeXR6aHihf4tykq+ccnirjXd4rGx0cmtqhJKLi2alqH6Cc52LcmatdZeTklh0sWuL h87qxmZzvsWxs9xYdId7Y3Ohd352sby+tKXdxrGv2Vh0capYc6SHy6Pc6r6iZq2bZ3O+iJSNa2iF kniJuM7rfnNx2si0r6ZYdHV3Y3qdeo92kq+cZni7fnmEqWp1dXlqeaF4imaku4p4dKyMeXmsZXNm fXZmsnh+eZ2dmnNmqolndrqIlI1rZoWSeJ+i3+V+c4fkyLSlnWWIdHdmcpJ7nYzS5semteB+dHHc WHR4h6Wj3Li+opKtm2Zzvq6UjZ1ohmZ4Y6rga4tx0d26pW+di3ZyqGt1eH1pZqSJfniwnZCEcq+M dXKpandxeFh4sHeQdKCpinh2qItneLtYh3Nra3GSh4tmn6h+doPNq45mq3dnc4yUs9pri4fZ58ul ZqqfdnqwaHpme3eL4rTCppKqiaVmqpCDs9qitKanWHava4uHwsqlZna8fnRx75S1Znhjo9y4x2+S qo1ycbCLdHOtWHmEa2qEkn2ccqSri3l2qZF2ep1qhXJ9ZnOle4p5obF+eISdnnRmsGNngnhYc52H wKbb4cWlop2LcqWdZXmCuJWw36u6Zp+owrRmqommptmXcGZ4Z3KdfopxpbB+eISdkIVmr3ZzeHll d554iXmdnZCEcq+MdHepZXJ5flh4sGuec5KwiWaCqn50cZ1ohJaYf2agin5zs9nLrmaqn66w6pdn c4xnep57jmaivLCqrdrOtGaqY6ZmeGqC36jIs9LZfnaDnYuIlsp/Z3aKWHOdr8xmn6i9pqLch2dx uViHc2trcZKHi2afqH52g82rjmard2dzjJSz2muLh9nny6Vmqp92eq9ne2Z7d4vcub6x1eHHpmaq iaZmqmqDs6iis9KnfnavnYuHlsqlZ3a8WHRxvZS0kniJo9zqx29mqo1zcbBjcnZ3WHiwa5CEkq+c cniri3ZyrWl1dGtqhJ59jHOhqY53dKt+eYSdeHRmfmNmrnh+c525wKav4cWmop1lcqVrZXiuuLuw 3926ZnOo0KO0nWVyo7Wlr5tri3WeqI95eqyQZ3i7WHmEa2qEnn2McaKoknRzqn55hKlqdXF7Y3qh d5FmpLt+hnOdkXJmuWVnc3ZYdq+bq42Sq51mc766tK6dZYittaWlknifdKapkmZ2vJ6ws+GWsWZ4 Y2ayeH55nZ2ShI7nx7Wq3ai0ZnhjmNy0vabf3s6tZr2LZ3moWHuFa2VxknubZp++rpONnY6GZqpj q7RrZXHRq7qlm52Jgma9i2d5qFiDc2tlcZJ7m5a/xH50hZ2LiKLqoGdzjJ+w36p+c7OsknJ2rX53 hc+crqO7pWafdr1mn6+as6Pny6einWiEZnh5lr+SfnaxnYtxuNnMZ3OolbGztGFmn3qKcaOwkXd4 nZCFZq92Z3iJZHigdo5xoK6KdmavnHN4q2N3cXlpcqJrkISSvYtmeah+g3OdZXKTr6eikniJpZKq kIKz2si0ptlYdHGvpmafdr2mztyHZnOsinJ3qGZ0c2tqhJJ9nGaku4p4c7GMcnqpZHVmfXZypHiS dJ2xinJ0nZCFZr1lZ3l2WIKfa4txv+HNomaqiaZmqmqDs6iis9KnfnOd77q0ZqqJpLDqoXBmeGc=

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