Edmond d'Arborea, aka Edmond “The Holy Father”

Archbishop and Vicar of Puerto Bellota, Cardinal, Grand master of the Order of Merchants, Grand cross of the Order of Blessed, Believers and Builders, President of the Bell Founders Society, President of the Union of Carpenters, Grand officer of the Order of Hunters, Mayor of Fort Airain and Nihonbashi, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Merit and Denar, Priest of Fort Airain and Nihonbashi, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Military Valour, Feather of Shakespeare and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Bricklayers, Metallurgists and Glaziers

Wilfrid d'Arborea Ray

Emperor of Grand Ōsaka, Prince consort of Gotia, Grand master of the Order of Rulers, Grand cross of the Order of Builders and Merit, Lord mayor consort of Gothland, Grand officer of the Order of Blessed, Denar and Merchants, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit and Military Valour, Officer of the Order of Hunters, War Cross, Feather of Shakespeare and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Ancients and Civilian Victims

Josephine d'Arborea, aka Josephine “The Witch”

Supreme pontiff, Grand mistress of the Order of Believers, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Commander of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Builders and Merit

Junie d'Arborea

Elector de Grand Ōsaka, Grand cross of the Order of Builders and Merchants, President of the Union of Founders, President of the Lutemakers Society, Grand mistress of the guild of Osaka Company, Lady mayoress of Puerto Bellota, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers and Blessed, Commander of the Order of Denar, Officer of the Order of Merit, Member of the Bell Founders and Bed Manufacturers Society, Member of the Union of Bricklayers, Carpenters and Luthiers

Desdemona d'Arborea

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Armorial House D'Arborea

House D'Arborea

House D'Arborea

Founded on 1618697130

Characters: Edmond “The Holy Father”: Archbishop and Vicar of Puerto Bellota, Cardinal, Grand master of the Order of Merchants, Grand cross of the Order of Blessed, Believers and Builders, President of the Bell Founders Society, President of the Union of Carpenters, Grand officer of the Order of Hunters, Mayor of Fort Airain and Nihonbashi, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Merit and Denar, Priest of Fort Airain and Nihonbashi, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Military Valour, Feather of Shakespeare and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Bricklayers, Metallurgists and Glaziers, Wilfrid d'Arborea Ray: Emperor of Grand Ōsaka, Prince consort of Gotia, Grand master of the Order of Rulers, Grand cross of the Order of Builders and Merit, Lord mayor consort of Gothland, Grand officer of the Order of Blessed, Denar and Merchants, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit and Military Valour, Officer of the Order of Hunters, War Cross, Feather of Shakespeare and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Ancients and Civilian Victims, Josephine “The Witch”: Supreme pontiff, Grand mistress of the Order of Believers, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Commander of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Builders and Merit, Junie d'Arborea: Elector de Grand Ōsaka, Grand cross of the Order of Builders and Merchants, President of the Union of Founders, President of the Lutemakers Society, Grand mistress of the guild of Osaka Company, Lady mayoress of Puerto Bellota, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers and Blessed, Commander of the Order of Denar, Officer of the Order of Merit, Member of the Bell Founders and Bed Manufacturers Society, Member of the Union of Bricklayers, Carpenters and Luthiers, Desdemona d'Arborea.

Family crypt: Kenneth d'Arborea: Cardinal, Grand cross of the Order of Merchants, President of the Lutemakers Society, Mayor of Holy Ōsaka, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Officer of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Builders and Mines, Member of the Bell Founders and Bed Manufacturers Society, Member of the brotherhood of Norf, Wilbur d'Arborea: Supreme pontiff, Commander of the Order of Merchants, Officer of the Order of Believers, Knight of the Order of Hunters, Denar, War Cross and Military Wounded, Enrico “Monsieur Wonderful”: Elector de Grand Ōsaka, Grand master of the Order of Denar, Grand cross of the Order of Merchants, Grand master of the guild of Osaka Company, Lord of Osaka, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Blessed and Builders, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Believers, Hunters, Military Valour, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Member of the academy of Veritatis, Knight of the Order of Merit, War Cross, Agriculture Merit and Feather of Shakespeare, Member of the Bell Founders Society, Lelia d'Arborea: Officer of the Order of Ancients and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Denar, Member of the Horticulturists Society, Killian d'Arborea: Member of the academy of Applied Tomfoolery, Member of the brotherhood of Alfonso, Catherine d'Arborea: Commander of the Order of Rulers, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Merit, Denar and Merchants.

 292.  183.


Ōsaka, Japan

NTgwMqSmcGmnqXJdqrheb6yacHiarGppqK1rcaWnXm+2pnBrnapwaaKnaFqquVx9pZtxaJi2a12b pV5qq8qJgZipe12lvJqq4JprftXkq5mOp31qo6hraZirfXzY6J2d1uSnlo6nZ5mYqG555dioqtjW Xm2rmmt7vseDWqi6XGqj7ZqrmKdpmtjnp2OOp2tmo69nbKmrXm+2mnB7jqx8ZqCoa2iqrmtqpJtw e6SsbGycrHFpm6ZcbLabfGqYrmldtKdeapmabne+x4NaprpcarnXq6WYp3+k2OedWpu7amamp1xt t8GepuHaraCOp2mZjqduduXYpqrY115ttZprfr7HhVqeuVxno9+qXaWmnZ3U2Wddm6lqZaGobmyp m257mK18Xaq4am+cqGpmoKpnZ5itemmqqWxppKxuaJuacHiOumlaq6ZceaWba2iYqnuNu8FeaK2a aXvU6KRdpbylp+XZXmqvqXJtnq1carfArKbc215qo9leaqC2q5fY55yWmKt5XaW8joq/mm58jqdp rMroXGej2Kaq4aReaqemaXCbp2tqjqx6Wqq5XG+2p3Brpa1uaaGpclqguGhspqhvbaSubXGYrHxd rqdebZmaeGeYqGd52tunod/Zml2bpZ1am6x4p9XlqZ3Um2to3OheapnZnpbNo1xnp6dncKSmcXCY rHxdoLhebKymbmilrGhqo65pXaq4am+cp29mm6VvbZitel24qF5wo5p6ao6naVqet4yHv5tqfJio f5nl4l5qr+Gop82aaXunr2htqJtufMrepZre515nmdlcZ6q3qZri6J6ZmKp7XZu7joe1mmx5mKhn oeaba2jX2pqcl5ppdo66aVqrplx5pZtraJiqe427wV5orZppe9TopF2lvKWn5dleaq+pcmydrlxq t8Cmq9jmoaHh2l5qmdleZ6C2qZfi6JyZmKt7XaW7joq1mm55jqdnrNTpXGqj2Kiq4aNeap2maW2Z pWxmmK16Xaq5Xm+2pnBrm6lqap+oalqquWhvpqhtaairbGuOrHxarqdcbaObeGqYqGl52tqnodXZ mlqbpZtapa14qtXlq53Ummto4NasWpulmaTl5GVdpapqaKmtcmygmnB4jqx6Wqq5aG+mpm5orKhr ao6sfGagqGdqo69raaubcHuYumtdoaVedpuaaWWYq3mNxcJea7eaa37K56Zam7ujpOXaXGq5qXJp rJpufK7jq57M5Fxno5t8apiuaV2suIan1+iimt7nXGejzaam19urnujhXn2bmnFljq57WqWmXG21 m2t+yMeFXZ65XmeZ3qpapaabndTaZ12jtl59m5pxZY62aVqlplxttcuLhJiofV2bu5qn1pppe9/l qZyYqH9srKZubY6qfYzS4Zmq5ZtpaNeba2+055un29qaWp63XGe5y4mEmKt9XaWlsJncmmtly+Sp o6GbaWykpm9wq6twXaC4Xmysmm54pK1qaKimbG6kql5vrKZwaJmqZ2ipp2xdqrlefaWacWiOtmta m6WJnufXXGqj2l5qqrarmtjnnpaOp2ee5ptpaNfbmpyhmmtsmqVvZZynaVqquVxvtptwe6Ssa3Gc pXJmmqhcbLanbmqsqWlxpKZsXaC4Xnqbmm9lmLdpXaWmi6Hn1l5qmdleZ6C2qZfi6JyZmKhpr9To XmqZ16in16NcZ6enZ22qrmlwmKx8XaC4Xmyspm5nq65ubaSpcV2quGpvm61xbJ6mam2YrXpduKhe cKOaemqOp2lanreMh7+banyYqH+Z5eJeaq/hqKfNmml7pK9pcaybbny/2qWhypprZc2aaWy06Jmn 5duaXai3XmqvyouBjqp7WqWmoKuYqGmc2NadZo6nbQ==

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