Bertram von Hesse

Tsar and Boyar of Uijin, Lord mayor of Uijin, Grand officer of the Order of Builders, Vicar of Częstochowa, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Blessed, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Priest of Uijin, Officer of the Order of Believers, Merit, Hunters, Military Valour and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Denar, War Cross and Mines

Calvin von Hesse

Grand cross of the Order of Civilian Victims, Mayor of Kaya, Commander of the Order of Hunters, Village chief of Tonghou, Officer of the Order of Builders and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Hwando, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers and Mines, Member of the Gold Mines Society

Leonard von Hesse

Grand cross of the Order of Civilian Victims, Village chief of Funatari, Officer of the Order of Hunters, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders and Merchants

Rosamund von Hesse

Boyar of Uijin, Lady of Hyejong, Commander of the Order of Civilian Victims, Village chief of Sinuiju-Dong, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Hunters and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Sapaieo Gwangsan, Knight of the Order of Cartographers, War Cross, Military Valour, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Military Wounded, Member of the Sapphire Mines Society

Cornelia von Hesse

Grand officer of the Order of Civilian Victims, Village chief of Tatebetsu and Manseong, Officer of the Order of Builders and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Hunters and Mines, Member of the Gold Mines Society

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Armorial House Von Hesse

House Von Hesse

House Von Hesse

Founded on 1618766208

Characters: Bertram von Hesse: Tsar and Boyar of Uijin, Lord mayor of Uijin, Grand officer of the Order of Builders, Vicar of Częstochowa, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Blessed, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Priest of Uijin, Officer of the Order of Believers, Merit, Hunters, Military Valour and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Denar, War Cross and Mines, Calvin von Hesse: Grand cross of the Order of Civilian Victims, Mayor of Kaya, Commander of the Order of Hunters, Village chief of Tonghou, Officer of the Order of Builders and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Hwando, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers and Mines, Member of the Gold Mines Society, Leonard von Hesse: Grand cross of the Order of Civilian Victims, Village chief of Funatari, Officer of the Order of Hunters, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders and Merchants, Rosamund von Hesse: Boyar of Uijin, Lady of Hyejong, Commander of the Order of Civilian Victims, Village chief of Sinuiju-Dong, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Hunters and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Sapaieo Gwangsan, Knight of the Order of Cartographers, War Cross, Military Valour, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Military Wounded, Member of the Sapphire Mines Society, Cornelia von Hesse: Grand officer of the Order of Civilian Victims, Village chief of Tatebetsu and Manseong, Officer of the Order of Builders and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Hunters and Mines, Member of the Gold Mines Society.

Family crypt: Gerdrut von Hesse: Grand cross of the Order of War Cross and Military Wounded, Commander of the Order of Ancients and Civilian Victims, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Merchants and Feather of Shakespeare, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Hunters, Cartographers, Denar and Agriculture Merit, Jacqueline von Hesse: Grand cross of the Order of Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients and Civilian Victims, Agathe “Lady of Silver”: Commander of the Order of Merchants, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Mines, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Denar and Feather of Shakespeare, Member of the Silver Mines Society, Member of the Union of Metallurgists and Miners, Richolf von Hesse: Grand master of the Order of Military Wounded, Count of Trenni, Grand cross of the Order of Builders, President of the Shovel Manufacturers Society, President of the Union of Glaziers, Grand officer of the Order of War Cross and Merchants, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Merit and Denar, Knight of the Order of Military Valour, Member of the Lutemakers and Music Publishers Society, Member of the Union of Musicians, Toolmakers and Bricklayers.

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Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada

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