Agrippa Marcus Vipsanius

Grand officer of the Order of Ancients, Commander of the Order of Feather of Shakespeare and Military Wounded, Village chief of Sneed's Seednfeed, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Builders, Hunters, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Denar, War Cross and Mines, Member of the Gold Mines Society

Ariadne Marcus Vipsanius

Chancellor of the Order of Knights of Kinross, Lady mayoress of Gojira, Vidamess of Cold Coast, Grand officer of the Order of Merchants, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Military Valour and Agriculture Merit, Officer of the Order of Builders, Hamlet chief of Moss Point, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Merit, Hunters, Denar, War Cross, Mines, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Cowmen, Founders and Pastry Cooks, Member of the Maple Syrup Producers, Sheep Meat and Whisky Distilleries Society

Agrippina Marcus Vipsanius

Archduchess of San Seamus, Elector de Arquetipo, Archbishop of Gojira, Grand cross of the Order of Rulers, Grand officer of the Order of Builders, Vicar of Sintra, Commander of the Order of Military Valour and Agriculture Merit, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Blessed, Believers, Merit, Hunters, Denar, War Cross, Feather of Shakespeare and Military Wounded, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Cartographers and Merchants, Member of the Gunpowder Manufacturers Society

Aella Marcus Vipsanius

Marshall of Arquetipo, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Denar and Military Valour, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Agriculture Merit, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims

Zenobia Marcus Vipsanius, aka Zenobia “Al Bajeat Al Sawda”

Emira of Catghanistan, Mayoress of Catsablanca, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Denar, War Cross, Merchants and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Believers, Builders and Military Valour

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Armorial House Marcus Vipsanius

House Marcus Vipsanius

House Marcus Vipsanius

Founded on 1618771602

Characters: Agrippa Marcus Vipsanius: Grand officer of the Order of Ancients, Commander of the Order of Feather of Shakespeare and Military Wounded, Village chief of Sneed's Seednfeed, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Builders, Hunters, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Denar, War Cross and Mines, Member of the Gold Mines Society, Ariadne Marcus Vipsanius: Chancellor of the Order of Knights of Kinross, Lady mayoress of Gojira, Vidamess of Cold Coast, Grand officer of the Order of Merchants, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Military Valour and Agriculture Merit, Officer of the Order of Builders, Hamlet chief of Moss Point, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Merit, Hunters, Denar, War Cross, Mines, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Cowmen, Founders and Pastry Cooks, Member of the Maple Syrup Producers, Sheep Meat and Whisky Distilleries Society, Agrippina Marcus Vipsanius: Archduchess of San Seamus, Elector de Arquetipo, Archbishop of Gojira, Grand cross of the Order of Rulers, Grand officer of the Order of Builders, Vicar of Sintra, Commander of the Order of Military Valour and Agriculture Merit, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Blessed, Believers, Merit, Hunters, Denar, War Cross, Feather of Shakespeare and Military Wounded, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Cartographers and Merchants, Member of the Gunpowder Manufacturers Society, Aella Marcus Vipsanius: Marshall of Arquetipo, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Denar and Military Valour, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Agriculture Merit, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Zenobia “Al Bajeat Al Sawda”: Emira of Catghanistan, Mayoress of Catsablanca, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Denar, War Cross, Merchants and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Believers, Builders and Military Valour.

Family crypt: Lucien “Musashi”: Grand cross of the Order of Military Valour, Marshall of the Order of Knights of Saint Lawrence, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Secretary of the Manure Collectors Society, Officer of the Order of Builders and Merchants, Commander of Battotai, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, War Cross and Agriculture Merit, Member of the Birch Forests Society.

 186.  70.

Vgk, 36 years

Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

NDczMn2RaXV/l4dpg5pze7J8hZigjmWOgJhrfX+Uc3uPiIV2qIuFjaiKZnqDpFiJfoaGdHGYgGmh h3OKsayFoXGUd2l+p6+2uXyAitvGwLmUiXmJhJlpdnGWkom4wLyz4XyAhby4pbjB1Fh2fLe3tL+4 vK3kynOKsXxlm6Gzf2mBpXN2fM6vt5SJfrfeyaGDcZNndXyXf3aFjHN7snyFmJSOdoaDk2x4gpV+ eoJ8hYegjoCOo41nhYKXWHuPhpN2cY9+abCJc4efmJrHtdGjpXGTfri0vHN2n7C9yt2+mMdxk2OR rdOxub98gHTFwL7I0MWcyr+GZXS11HN2fLuzpdOFc4ejiGOGg5VofHGYkWmDmnN7soiFh6GLao6C lGZpg6R/e36JgnuojYGIlI52epGTWHx8ho92cYl+jN7MwbqUiWN6gaOIlpiGgYhxiZSl4cRzh7W/ osq/xlh2kpKDeIB8g4i8uMC45MpYh3y3nLS/wrytwcpzebF8gJvEqX96gaVYdnzJr7dxiX6n17i8 vNS7WId8yqe3cZN+pri4yLPdfICLlIlmioSGZoZxk35pgZmXaaSblcrbvKZ6fpGjsK3KvGmBmXN2 taBzirOFWId8p6K2ucbAaX6HsLDQ0b3DlIljzK3UWHaChoB3gY9zd7F8gIWUjHWecZZ3k76GgHS8 w6+t3XyDl5SJeZ5xlndycZOCdXyIhH2kjXOMsnxqmHGYdnWDk4B3g42BdKJ8hZigjmWHf5hpd3yU c3uPfJN2lI9+erCJWId8qaK5v8Zzdnx8g4bEqZp6optYh5LCpbFxk5Ssu8zBqZSJlIaki2d6gaWA pb7Ew7dxiX6a2MfBtt3AqMhxlnVpfqejlph8g4iUiX690MpYh3zEm6W6yLOocYl+rePKc4efuZ+2 xtChaX6Xc3Z/jIZpoplzh598aJeVhmiIm9NzdnzHuqXYxXOKsXxlm5WGaIh6hoB0ksbAsdTJc4ef uZ+2xtChaX6RxaW/fIB6lImBiqd8Zpdxk2NpgaOXaYGblbnbvMF6oY1Yh3+VZ2l/o3N2fMu2ttS8 c4efypi2cZNjsLXQvLdxiX6T4XyDl5SJeZ5xlndycZOCfYGOgHigfIWYlI52eoOkZHt9lIF9gJCH fJSOkYamiGaIhZZjd3+GhYdxnIBpp4dzlqF8ZYWPxpatuMqvaX6Hm6XhusPIlIljq7XRpqW6ysO3 cYl+reJ8gIXTvJS5eoZjhXGmgGmEh3OFoXyAhbK4obm1xZhpfpGbpb66w7eUiX6r2MemtrrKqLdx k367rcpzdp+5vcfdhViHgJpoen6SgmmDmnN7snyFmKCOZIh+lmx7gZFze4+IhXWiiYSFpZBqeoOk WIl+hoZ0cZiAaaGHpL7Sy6LHtcJYdnyur7avzMFpoYekvt/KlMO11qZpfpG3t3GJfqjUuLKDlId0 epGTWHx8ho92cYl+h9S6t8HYuFiHfK6Utq/WwWl+h6St38qvw9jMpnp+kaqlv4aAdK7GwLKdfICJ pY9niYOTWHuPhoWHcY6RdaWOh4ynjmSKfYZqh32XhX2Dj4V1pIhzjLJ8eIdxmWNpjZNzdnx8g4bE qZp6optYh5LCpbFxk5Swu8myaaGdgYalkGR6gaWArbjNx2l+h5ul4brDyJSJY6u10aalusrDt3GM kGmhnaOnu3xomXGTY7ut1HN2fLm9tt2Fc4ejjWuJfpFpaYOkc3uPfIWHoI2FjqaNaoaFmlh7j5KE e4WOhHugkId6pppYmn6Ga3RxooBpfodzebGsoKGUind6fqeUtrmGgIq4xsColImUh6SQZXqBpX+5 r8qzsnGJfmm0iXONn3xsmJnWpqW/ybdpkYlzfJ98h5mUiWN6gaNYdpK2oJBxjJJpoYe3yJSJY7mx wpdycZOCeYWPgHyifIWYlI52eoOkZHqCmYV0fYx+epSOkYaljWuMfJJodIKGhYdxnIBpp4dzlqF8 ZYVxlnWZnq1zd5B8gIrQybt6oZ2fxL7FWHaSk4V7gIhzebOmvr3Uw5y2cZNjka3Tsbm/fIB0xcC+ yNDFnMq/hmiGcZOUmZ6jc3mzfICF5rimen6RlbO+z3xpfouDfZ+HhYWUjnZ6g6RYe4+ShHqDjYJ0 po5/eqaaZIuCmGl4fJiFdXGOkWm0iXONn3x0h3GTY4y71sGpcYl+aaSZo6e7fGaZcZN5pb7Oc3aS v7254rxzh7WIaImAhmiImcLAp8HKc3afrbfF4rihvsHUWHmOhoCKoamaaaSbc4efv5TIcZNjp7TC vKuxu3N2n8DCyJSJY7e4wq2zuoaAenGJgXmnfIGXlIljeoGjfGmBpZW5uLzBaaGNc4eii2d6f6NY dnzVtraxvHN2n8qztpSJY8G10KG3cZN+k758g4aUiZSelIx3g3GTY4q707upvnyAdNHDr8/exViH fNiUt3GThGl+ioN8lIqQeqGHWIqOqlh5kLSvsrPMt7LUfICLlIlmiYCGZoZxk364tMmzqZSJfsjU uFiHfM2cs7rUc3Z8psBppJlzh7WgWIqQj1h2gA==

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