Agrippa Marcus Vipsanius

Grand officer of the Order of Ancients, Commander of the Order of Feather of Shakespeare, Village chief of Sneed's Seednfeed, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Hunters, Agriculture Merit, Merchants, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, War Cross and Mines, Member of the Gold Mines Society

Ariadne Marcus Vipsanius

President of the Union of Winemakers, Vidamess of Cold Coast, Mayoress of Gojira, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Builders, War Cross and Agriculture Merit, Hamlet chief of Moss Point, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Merit, Hunters, Denar, Military Valour, Mines, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Member of the Dairy Products, Whisky Distilleries and Maple Syrup Producers Society, Member of the Union of Weavers and Distillers

Agrippina Marcus Vipsanius

Archduchess of San Seamus, Archbishop of Gojira, Grand cross of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Grand officer of the Order of Denar, Vicar of Sintra, Commander of the Order of Believers, Military Valour and Agriculture Merit, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Merit, War Cross, Feather of Shakespeare and Military Wounded, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Hunters and Merchants, Member of the Gunpowder Manufacturers Society, Member of the Union of Alchemists

Aella Marcus Vipsanius

Officer of the Order of Ancients, Builders and Denar, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants

Zenobia Marcus Vipsanius, aka Zenobia “Al Bajeat Al Sawda”

Emira of Catghanistan, Mayoress of Catsablanca, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Denar, Merchants and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Believers, Builders, War Cross and Military Valour

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Armorial House Marcus Vipsanius

House Marcus Vipsanius

House Marcus Vipsanius

Founded on 1618771602

Characters: Agrippa Marcus Vipsanius: Grand officer of the Order of Ancients, Commander of the Order of Feather of Shakespeare, Village chief of Sneed's Seednfeed, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Hunters, Agriculture Merit, Merchants, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, War Cross and Mines, Member of the Gold Mines Society, Ariadne Marcus Vipsanius: President of the Union of Winemakers, Vidamess of Cold Coast, Mayoress of Gojira, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Builders, War Cross and Agriculture Merit, Hamlet chief of Moss Point, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Merit, Hunters, Denar, Military Valour, Mines, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Member of the Dairy Products, Whisky Distilleries and Maple Syrup Producers Society, Member of the Union of Weavers and Distillers, Agrippina Marcus Vipsanius: Archduchess of San Seamus, Archbishop of Gojira, Grand cross of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Grand officer of the Order of Denar, Vicar of Sintra, Commander of the Order of Believers, Military Valour and Agriculture Merit, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Merit, War Cross, Feather of Shakespeare and Military Wounded, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Hunters and Merchants, Member of the Gunpowder Manufacturers Society, Member of the Union of Alchemists, Aella Marcus Vipsanius: Officer of the Order of Ancients, Builders and Denar, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Zenobia “Al Bajeat Al Sawda”: Emira of Catghanistan, Mayoress of Catsablanca, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Denar, Merchants and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Believers, Builders, War Cross and Military Valour.

Family crypt: Lucien “Musashi”: Grand cross of the Order of Military Valour, Marshall of the Order of Knights of Saint Lawrence, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Secretary of the Manure Collectors Society, Officer of the Order of Builders and Merchants, Commander of Battotai, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, War Cross and Agriculture Merit, Member of the Birch Forests Society.

 184.  70.

Vgk, 36 years

Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

ODI5NX+Hq3aBjWtqhaZXfL2IaXOrmqdpgo6tfoGKV3yRlGl3s5dpaLOWqFWFmpqKgHxqdXOkZGqs k1dlvLjHfHOKuWqAnZO3u4hki+bSpJSflbtkho+rd3OMdoq6zKC07IhkYMfE55PDypp3fq2btcHE oK7v1ldlvIindqOpwWqDm1d3ftqTuJ+VYpLp1eNec4mpdn6NY3eHmFd8vYhpc5+auGGFia55hIti e4SIaYirmmRprpmpYISNmnyRfHd3c5tiaruVV2KqpNyit8flpnOJYrm2yFd3qryhpejK2qJziaWS r8mVusGIZHXQzKKj29HepcF8p3W3yld3fseXpt6RV2KulKVhhYuqfXOOdWqFpld8vZRpYqyXrGmE iqhqhZpjfICVZnyzmWVjn5q4VZOJmn1+fHN3c5VijenYpZWflaVVg5nKl5p8ZYlzlXim7NBXYsDL 5KXBvJp3lIhneYKIZ4nHxKST79aaYn6t3rXBuKCuw9ZXeryIZHbPtcFVg5uad36/k7hzlWKo4sSg l9/HmmJ+wOm4c4lip7rErLToiGRmn5WoZYZ8qIdziWJqg6V7aq+neaXmyOhVgIflsa/AoGqDpVd3 wKxXZb6RmmJ+neS3u7ykaoCTlLHb3aGen5Wlp6/KmneEfGR4g5tXeLyIZGCfmLd5c4y5lMB8ZHW+ z5Ou6Ihncp+Vu3lzjLlzc4lmdn6UaH6vmVdnvYisc3OOuHaFiWR4hZllda2IaXOrmqdigY6reH6K V3yRiHd3n5tiVbuVmmJ+n+S6wbxXd36IZ4fPtX5VraeaYpS457JziXitvdilqp+VeGGvl6lVg5vC psC6p7hzlWKb49OlkejM6qNzjLdqgJ2Hl5qIZ4mflWKY29aaYn663aa8vpepc5Viru7WV2KqxeGR yMbjaoCNV3eBmGpqraVXYqqIqnKXfKqJnclXd37Tnqbj0VdlvIindpd8qol8fGR1lNKkst/VV2Kq xeGRyMbjaoCHqabBiGR7n5VlZbKIqHJziaVqg5l7aoOnebrmyKVVrJmaYoGLqWqBmVd3fteat9/I V2Kq1tqRc4mlsbfGoLhzlWKU7Ihncp+Vu3lzjLlzc4lmfoOaZHmriGlzn5q4VYWapnx/imV+gpxr fZ+adWGxlKhjh4yleIF8aYhzqGRqspNXcayIp2CRvNiuusCTaoCTf6bsxqejn5WlhrfH6Ka8wKe4 c5Viru2IZGDeyNaUfHylhnOcZGqGk1eGrIhkYL3E45S3u9pqgId/psDGp7iflWKG49PokbzA6rhz iWK8r9ZXd6rFoaLokZpigpCqe4CIZmqFpld8vYhpc6uapmOAjK58g4dXfJGUaXatlWhgsJysVYWa moqAfGp1c6RkaqyTiJnd1+Sit7iad36kk7ex2KVqrJOImerW1p63zOhqgIebuHOVYqnfxJZen5O2 VZOJmn1+fHN3c5ViiN/Gm5zjxJpifqTWt7HMpWqAk4iu6taTnuPY6FWAh+ymwXxkdbDSpLOoiGRk sJupZIWJmnyRfGmIc5p1drCaa2eymqZlf3ysiH+NaX6Fm2l2r5RXZ72IumJzj6Vqj4lXd36IZ4fP tX5VraeaYpS457JziXixvdWWaqypZWGwnKZVg5vCrrrDq2qAk3+m7Mano5+VpYa3x+imvMCnuHOY dGqsqYeCxoiqdHOJpbyvyld3fsWht+iRV2Kuma1kgIeraoWaV3yRiGmIq5lpabGZrGGHkJp8kYho fIeaaHyrnGtVsaaadYB8rXVzmGRqgJNXery4hHyflrlVgJ3Wt7t8ZIu60qSpn5V4Yq+cp1WDm8G6 scCXs3OVYmq/lVdoqoiuc5vM6KbBv5tqk5VXfaqIa3SflaVVg5mad5SshJFzmHZqrJObo5+VpZSz uNlzc4lmeoebZH2tiGlzn5q4VYWapnuEj2l1f5hie5+adWGwma1nfoiqdYR8aYhzqGRqspNXcayI p2BzjLeaoKNXeJKIZIvb1Z9VrKnhn8C7mneUiWl8gpRXer6yopjfz96Rc4mlkq/JlbrBiGR10Myi o9vR3qXBfKqHc4l4mqCvV3q+iGRg8cToVYCH17TAxWBqgJdnfqqTaWCfmrhVhZqafJGIaHuFmWZ1 sZpjVbGmpmaEjqt5fo5pdnOadWq/lVdoqoi2YnOJpY29zKWqc5Viaq+lh4LGiKh0c4m7psDEV3eU y6G67chXYsCUqmSCfKqJm7ikqMPWV3equZug7cTjmcPKmnqQfGSLo7V+aq+nV2Kqy9ajc4mlqLa4 oKyzx1d3qsymo5+VpZK6uO+0vHxke3OVZXqyiGVyn5WlVYOZvmqDm3m6usilaqyZV2Ktl6lVgZma d37LmrezyFd3qtaXkZ+VpZy3xuO4c4lilMCIZ4eflXh5n5i5XnOJpYu9yZ+qwIhkddzPk6rp0Zpi fs7WuHOJaGqAlmd9n5Z0VayTmmWQoJp6kqqTs7XYm7PfiGRmn5WoZIJ8qIdziWK5ttWXqp+VYqPf xJpifsPetLzKV3d+sqRqr6VXYsCsmmWShZp3gg==

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