Nihl Perenthis, aka Nihl “Discount Napoleon”

Duke of Nethilor, Grand master of the Order of Feather of Shakespeare, Grand cross of the Order of Holy Spirit, Lord mayor of Veltharis, Grand officer of the Order of Ancients, Commander of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Priest of Veltharis, Officer of the Order of Hunters, Denar, War Cross, Military Valour, Merchants and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Believers and Merit, Member of the Union of Painters

Cire Perenthis, aka Cire “Consecrator”

Commander of the Order of Ancients and Cartographers, Officer of the Order of Military Wounded, Hamlet chief of Saxosa, Calcis, Ostlynn and Birb, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Hunters, Denar, War Cross, Mines and Merchants

Quinn Perenthis Pereira, aka Quinn “The Widow”

Commander of the Order of Ancients, Hamlet chief of Flumen, Knight of the Order of Cartographers, Agriculture Merit and Merchants

Rohadar Perenthis Pereira

Vicar of Gojira, Baron of Aph'Loxis, Priest of Aph'Loxis, Village chief of Lustrum and Salsus, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Believers, Builders, Denar, Military Valour, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Member of the Pit Bogs and Walnut Groves Society, Member of the Union of Salt Farmers

Evelyn Perenthis Kast

Hamlet chief of Flavus Meus, Knight of the Order of Ancients and Agriculture Merit

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Armorial House Perenthis

House Perenthis

House Perenthis

Founded on 1618788677

Characters: Nihl “Discount Napoleon”: Duke of Nethilor, Grand master of the Order of Feather of Shakespeare, Grand cross of the Order of Holy Spirit, Lord mayor of Veltharis, Grand officer of the Order of Ancients, Commander of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Priest of Veltharis, Officer of the Order of Hunters, Denar, War Cross, Military Valour, Merchants and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Believers and Merit, Member of the Union of Painters, Cire “Consecrator”: Commander of the Order of Ancients and Cartographers, Officer of the Order of Military Wounded, Hamlet chief of Saxosa, Calcis, Ostlynn and Birb, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Hunters, Denar, War Cross, Mines and Merchants, Quinn “The Widow”: Commander of the Order of Ancients, Hamlet chief of Flumen, Knight of the Order of Cartographers, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Rohadar Perenthis Pereira: Vicar of Gojira, Baron of Aph'Loxis, Priest of Aph'Loxis, Village chief of Lustrum and Salsus, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Believers, Builders, Denar, Military Valour, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Member of the Pit Bogs and Walnut Groves Society, Member of the Union of Salt Farmers, Evelyn Perenthis Kast: Hamlet chief of Flavus Meus, Knight of the Order of Ancients and Agriculture Merit.

Family crypt: Astaroth “Discount Davout”: Commander of the Order of Ancients, Knight of the Order of Hunters, Cartographers, War Cross, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded.

 602.  45.

No personal information

ODc1MYKgqXqKpGdviJFcgatzbraZhaSlhqeifoqlXIGUf259moNupJyHppiIs5aPg5VvenaPaW+a fn/i3cHWmIOgln+TxYmWdoF7b5qUmOXVc6O5ud/mvbaVaZCChW2CjYN7w83A1uHF2Nq9dqV5b4OU jJy0c2y3jYCh27LjlnyB0pyvv3Npes3GmuLVu+bhutPSvrbUXHyBsLBvmn5cqKqjw792o7Vvg7aY vL5zaZDUvanXjYC3p4qhpn92pXuhurqZv9pzaaPMc6OqkuLTucPVmG+GkFx8rqOJv42DtaF2oqV7 gaFpeoiFXIGrc262jYW0pIiion+HpGp+gnNujZmFaaSdhKWmhaGWgZSVfHx2hmdvqYBcpZhzprWm wr1vhLRcfJevqbeNgH3f18DVmIO2pYCIqWpvhpJ8ttHBmJiafsHYw9XfvrnZqm+DfoKr28JcqKpz o7mmwr1vhrRcfIHFmL2NgGfV18DfoXaipYOKqWeBhHNujY2FepifkaKqgqmme4Gjbn12hXp7n39w qJl+pKqElaiNdrVpb4l+XIuac2mjjYOzyKO8ln2VlWmQssCkb5qUo+Laspall6aqfYeVbI6Swaur 2r2r242AoZiWopaCgZVwjZW3qq3Xw6XnjYCht7Lm4L/FlXx8doZnb6GSXKWYc6a1dqK3n6O8XH+V c2l60cFcpZiy1tS1npZ8hahufYaEbm+fkVyqq3OotoKnoXuKpWuAg35cgat/bqOZh6anh6Khb4iz XI+Dc296jY9pmJp+lqiTxcOWdqN7b4OUmLzVc2m51L3j13ait36Boml9doN7nNe7XKWYntbltt7l srrjXHyBnpy8zbep1I2Ds5iDtsacnZVsjnaAZ8HJwVylmLDg5b+elnyFqG58hoZsb5+RXKqrc6i2 gqehe4mlan2Gg1yBq39uo5mGpqaEpaZviLNcj4Nzb3qNj2mYmn635cDj2ri2lWl6obOpr9bCn9zb c6OjuuOWfIHUnKu1fFx8nIZupJ+FoZiIs5aBlJVujYKFZ3ufg2ypnISWqpShqHqCp2x/h4Jtb5+R XLiac6mjdrGjb4OgfbzAwaC4zXNpo7iz49i/5NmzxJVpesivqm+afpni2ryfmIOkqYGBo2qBdoV6 b5+RXKqrf6ijgqaifYWga2+IkWiBmH9tpJuCoad2p7RvlqJcgoFzeHyNgGfE3bPd3MbjlnyBwJy8 tryrstHBXKWYt+SYg6DVr7LUZW+Dgm+AoIdqq42FtJiIs5aBlKFueoKCb36YgG2Yn5GiqoGhpYKF oGmAdoV6b62AXKuYc7KldqKhj7XXmLx2gGeazcCc4dy22uZ2oqHBsuNcfIGwprzWfFylnIanpYio pm+Is1yBlHNujZmFZ6OfhKarhKCWgZShbnqBhW1/oIFnmJ+RlriDlal6drFpb4N+hKvNr6XX18Dj mIOgwa/D1aW+ubeqb5p+oOaNgKHXttHVeHaia36JgXCBjYV6mJ+RlqqUoad7iqlsgYqDcG+fkWip mYeqqIippoN2p3pvloBcgphzeKWNgKGYhrLGnJ2Vao52gH2r2rtcpa664OW1laOQh6lqgHaDe5LJ wKfY2nOjo6HV46+/5J+zxHNperS9rNzbe7/ctN/dq8SVbIx2gH2fuppcqKxzo6PI0eRvg6CZucO8 ZW+agg==

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