Guruexe Ahtopic, aka Guruexe “Deposed”

Officer of the Order of Ancients, Hamlet chief of Nomercy

Htopzes Ahtopic, aka Htopzes “Second”

Grand cross of the Order of Builders and Merit, Priest of Rirland, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Feather of Pushkin

Noah Ahtopic, aka Noah “Buck”

Lord mayor of Agmaren, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers and Builders, Elder of the brotherhood of Rains in a February, Knight of the Order of Merit, Member of the Union of Roofers, Painters and Stonemasons

Rodion Ahtopic, aka Rodion “Bureevar”

Officer of the Order of Ancients, Superior of The-Lost-Conscience, Card-In-The-Hand, Flint-And-Steel and Untold-Tales, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Feather of Pushkin

Baarsik Ahtopic, aka Baarsik “Pechka”

Grand master of the brotherhood of Rains in a February, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Ancients

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Armorial House Ahtopic

House Ahtopic

House Ahtopic

Founded on 1691346334

Characters: Guruexe “Deposed”: Officer of the Order of Ancients, Hamlet chief of Nomercy, Htopzes “Second”: Grand cross of the Order of Builders and Merit, Priest of Rirland, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Feather of Pushkin, Noah “Buck”: Lord mayor of Agmaren, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers and Builders, Elder of the brotherhood of Rains in a February, Knight of the Order of Merit, Member of the Union of Roofers, Painters and Stonemasons, Rodion “Bureevar”: Officer of the Order of Ancients, Superior of The-Lost-Conscience, Card-In-The-Hand, Flint-And-Steel and Untold-Tales, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Feather of Pushkin, Baarsik “Pechka”: Grand master of the brotherhood of Rains in a February, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Ancients.

 12.  14.

No personal information

ODYzMohhhoeDZFiNkpRqmZOmdqKln4ujhWeMjoNWapmApmOLoKVpp6aje6iSVpuIdGlje5ChWIie lGizw8GiloJ1e4iVkqXDdKF5wt3hl5agtYqihGeJe4R1f7u+3ViInrCb5d3fv9R0Zph7gXeIqJuU aJqToWPoz+J7o3+Txci9X1iIg6dsjaOnY5alsnuoklaNmYBoY4qHqGqGpKZYqLGgjaGDaY+Nf2dq e4ayWJuglGuhk7CIloFhnsq+oa27wpRlhpO0ZZamn3uqkoPFysOWoXuUoViOnpRstZOhhtrCVoiG s5aUun2UZYqlqGuipqR7qJJWjZl0aHaHhahohp+hZ6inlI20gGePi39iZYqGqFiNsZR4o5OnhpaQ Y3uIf1ZomKTBf3uhs1ijtNDI3nRjnMK+o5d7gbVmjKegZZajs6/SwaDJwrCnWIh/sJvK3d+c1JOk mJaBd6uom1ZomnShY83P4lijntHF471fe4iDaGyNhKFqe6WyWKixlI20gGePiohjbIuEoFiNsaBp qqKoiKqEZod7hnRYm4GUa4aTsGWWoJ+b3byayHuBYXS+w96jv9GUZaHX4nujf5W7t7NfWIiDpmyM paBolqWye6iSVo2ZgGdsioaoaIyfn1iosaCMqoNoj4uFYmN7hrJYm6CUa6GTsIiWgWGbwryapXuB n3S+4t6j2tGUiKHGksl7gWGVxcHdYXugo2qqnqeGqnRomXuGdFiNkqBpj6GoY6GnpYuWhnSHjIhk bIZ/qGmLk6Z2lrOhe6l/VpeIdGNjr7TVnMOToWOy1uPF4biUe4h/mqZ7gZ+Xu8/TYZago42qf2KJ hnRodnuGsliNsaBpqqGnhqWEZol7hnRkjIiia4aipGikk6aZlpRje45/VnSIdKFjr9PVnN6ToYay t6XFxriUWIh/5pTJk6Fj093hxJ90Y4qNh2pjj3+UapmTpnaWpbKHp4hkjIqFZmeJdKZ2h6SoZqei pYylhlaNmXR2ZXuHn1iXoJRlocHlu+W7ksS3dGNjl7fjosbX0lijntjJloFhuruwlWF7f7BYm6CU a6GTsIiWgWF7i5GGhaJ0ond7oLWU49uUiLe7oMi6dGN5iYWkZIiTpHey5NPF33Rjhpe3paLGuNJY i7CUZbfDwaKWhHV7iH+olMl0oWO43eGhn5Ofl5aUY3uOf1Z0iHShY5jd3qXY0+F7o39Wm4h0aWN7 iLJ7t+LUpZazoXupf1aPmnRjY7/ClGWG0tSU1ZyUiKWGaY6KgGJYjZKUapmTpnaipKiJpn9niIZ/ VmqZgKVsiaOfaaOeqHuoklabiHRpY3uQoViInrCf1s/duuOwVoiGkJmnxb/Ylnugn5zkk6GG1bSS uoR0YXR7lKFYjp6UdKOToYbExZbKwrCflHuBn3S+4t6j2tGUiKHGksl7gWGVxcHdYXugo2qppaaJ qnRomXuGdFiNkqBpj6GjY6Sip4+WhnSHjIhkZ4aCo2uPk6Z2lrOhe6l/VpeIdGNjl7vUlMTS4ZSW oJ+X2cOgxr+yVmWGxtCme6CfleDg3YSWgWU=

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