Avgust Aistan Mor, aka Avgust “White Crow”

Linguist (русский язык), Duke consort of Sun-State, Lord mayor consort of Sun-State, Seneschal of Fabron, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Military Valour and Feather of Pushkin, Knight of the Order of Ancients

Raoul Aistan Mor, aka Raoul “Pangolier”

Village chief of Ember, Val Verde and Ruritania, Officer of the Order of Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders, Merit, Hunters, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Member of the Union of Miners, Member of the Tin Mines Society

Catherine Aistan Mor, aka Catherine “Nightwraith”

Queen and Peer of the realm of Gotia, Empress consort of Grand Ōsaka, Elector de Artecia, Grand cross of the Order of Rulers, Builders and Merit, Lady mayoress of Gothland, Commander of the Order of Denar and Military Valour, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Hunters and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, War Cross and Military Wounded, Member of the Wheelmakers Society, Member of the Union of Gardeners

Emre Aistan Mor, aka Emre “Waiting Wipe”

Vice-mayor of Fabron, Knight of the Order of Ancients

Natrix Aistan Mor, aka Natrix “Gray Eminence”

Assistant, Peer of the realm of Gotia, Lord of Berlin, Seneschal of Calradia, Vice-mayor of Calradia, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders, Military Valour and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Carters and Grooms

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Armorial House Aistan

House Aistan

House Aistan

Founded on 1694356532

Characters: Avgust “White Crow”: Linguist (русский язык), Duke consort of Sun-State, Lord mayor consort of Sun-State, Seneschal of Fabron, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Military Valour and Feather of Pushkin, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Raoul “Pangolier”: Village chief of Ember, Val Verde and Ruritania, Officer of the Order of Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders, Merit, Hunters, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Member of the Union of Miners, Member of the Tin Mines Society, Catherine “Nightwraith”: Queen and Peer of the realm of Gotia, Empress consort of Grand Ōsaka, Elector de Artecia, Grand cross of the Order of Rulers, Builders and Merit, Lady mayoress of Gothland, Commander of the Order of Denar and Military Valour, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Hunters and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, War Cross and Military Wounded, Member of the Wheelmakers Society, Member of the Union of Gardeners, Emre “Waiting Wipe”: Vice-mayor of Fabron, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Natrix “Gray Eminence”: Assistant, Peer of the realm of Gotia, Lord of Berlin, Seneschal of Calradia, Vice-mayor of Calradia, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders, Military Valour and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Carters and Grooms.

 212.  57.

Nash, 18 years

Kokshetau, Aqmola, Kazakhstan

ODQ1OYSoZHqKqmxtintYf3xdanxqb2VyjLBrgIauWH+WaWp5cnFrcHFral6Ku1mNhZ1reHh5ZW1r aFhue42GhXireG2FvpS6wF1ljqWnpZ1eanptiaptgHitd4m1nJSxpKRYa2l5nazH2aJthaiAt8Vd aIpeanmOi4RZbpedZnjK2aZthWiVt6umYV5rbGVpg6ppfYmdaot4b3ZtcHtkcGpxbW+DsWp9eK92 eYppbIFvaGxvbl1rfHi9Zm2LqFiJhV1leI2qnKytmaJehahZjYWda3h4cXaPq52sXmtoeaa85pm2 tt1YjYVda3hecXdea2idrHiqZKy42Zd2eGpngXJrbGlrXWt8eK93bYq7ZH+EcGt5bG9qcF5vd2qK qWyAhKtqf4pdaotefWVecWhZeoWdZnin6py7x5mhbWtodKKsrJWneKpkv7TrWHqDmqK6p2ZYa21x bWyHrWZtirtYf5Zdaotqb2RxcGlmaYysWX+WqWp5i29kemlxZ15we1l+hZ1seHi5ZW2FaHu3rquY XmtoWW6VzYaUeKt3bYV+lLqmXWV/oaeprLidZo6EsWN4iV1ojHqhpq2apllulZ1mjqjKf22IfFh6 aaCUrF5qZJy72aKvuNxYeoOhp7teamObpZmuqMGdZn54qmZ9i11mil5qY15uen1eiLx7vb/dpm2F blh6bGxnXmx6WWuD2Vl6g++svriqoW1raJirnpuoXoWog7p4rXVthX58bW58YV5raHqoxeWZuniq Y6q/ma23p11labCZp16Frll6hq1rbYZ6WHppXWh7gl1pfandprx4qmO4v5mctl5tdV5rfn1eiLxi bYWsbICMaGd4Xm92XnB7WXCWqWt5irFnfYxwaG1we2Rwam9tbYixbH14r3ZtmGpYgGlddGteamRe iLqJmp+dZox4anmpq6VYa3+ko6u3nWaOh61ogYpdaIyAqqKvnqpZa4O5nbvH2aFthWiAt6tdaHte anqOpcRZfZedZXjKmaZta2iVqKumYl6FrG2Ai6tnfHhvdm1we1hwfGlraoqwaICLqWptintkf2pv a21xcGVweK93bZiqWICDXXR6XmpjXm56iYufnWeMeKp5qcWlWHp/pKKrnV1mf4etaX+FnWiMmJyU bWtodKKsrJWneKpklcLqWH2VXWWOjop/Xm58WWuD75W7eKpjqsKqoXZeamdycW9sbImda4t4r3Zt intkf2pvam9qb2tseK93eYqpan+JaWp/bF1qfF59Zl6LqFmJhZ1leHhtdZ2LhFhsfV1mf7TqoW2F vp+3xZxYen9saG5tcVlul8qVt8jkWHqDeZy7rZmhXmtogajFnWmKeKp5naWEWH19XWVpsJmnXoWo lrfF5mFthWxsgG9rY29eb3deirtZf5apanmKbWV8bG1mXnB7ZXCEr2l6h6toe3hvdm1+alhxaV11 a3iqZJDC7aateGpjbW56iIuFXWd9eKp6qcXlWHqZoKK9rJ1Ya39pbWmDrll9l7mcu8eZoW1uelhr f42GhXiteG2FqJupxl1leJyglKegnZhehaidvMadZXi1pJTCqKZYa29dZmyIsFl7lZ1leHhtdZFe bXePnqqoXoWopLS04aFtiHpYen+BWG59Zllrg76jusDdpW2FaJW0mrKip15qZLC061l6iZ1le4hw WHt7XWVpXm12gniteLi46lh6g5qYtp1dZWmsoaKixuyZuniqY5jIqqO9q51Ya2mZop14qmSJxd+Y tsddZX5eamZtbV1ne3iqZJF4qmO8yqdYemmqlK+epqdehah1urrdobx4amlta2tnbV5rdl6FqH2R eKpjqXhqY7uemVhraaCjq8bdWXqDxai6xZ2sbW56WGt/gVlul6ZZeoexa3qMamZtcHtYcHxda3yE r2V+jLFseYdqWH98aWpqb3FtcoSsZm2Ku1iNhV1reF55ZV5raFlulc2GlHird22FfpS6pl1lf6Wn pp14qnp8iKtmeHhtd4mvn6isrV1maZThp7y05lh6g4Wiul5tdV5rfomLn51pjHiqY7+0q1h6aZqi q6dmWWuHsWuAhq1sbYp7WH98XWp8am9lb4auZHiDsFh/lmlqeW9raWlpaGxeirtZjYWda3h4eWVt a2iGmqyglV6FqHWxxuyUtnhqY7GsXWVpnZ2VnYGdZnw=

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