Pangoli Pangoli

Lord of Pangoliland, Master of the guild of Leviathan's Reach, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed and Merit

Elwin Pangoli

Steward of Pangoliland, Hamlet chief of Pangtopia, Knight of the Order of Merit and Mines

Hannah Pangoli

Village chief of Sundale, Officer of the Order of Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Cartographers, Denar, Mines and Agriculture Merit

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Armorial House Pangoli

House Pangoli

House Pangoli

Founded on 1718890897

Characters: Pangoli Pangoli: Lord of Pangoliland, Master of the guild of Leviathan's Reach, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed and Merit, Elwin Pangoli: Steward of Pangoliland, Hamlet chief of Pangtopia, Knight of the Order of Merit and Mines, Hannah Pangoli: Village chief of Sundale, Officer of the Order of Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Cartographers, Denar, Mines and Agriculture Merit.

No personal information

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