Stephan von Hartmauer

President of the Union of Bakers, President of the Bakeries Society, Baron of Hartmauer, Mayor of Dernel, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Officer of the Order of Builders, Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Denar, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit, Feather of Camões and Military Wounded, Member of the Union of Blacksmiths

Hildegard von Hartmauer

Hamlet chief of Östburg, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Mines and Merchants

Johanna von Hartmauer

Village chief of Adlers, Officer of the Order of Mines, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Denar and Merchants

Helena von Hartmauer

Lady of Hilver, Village chief of Mariupol, Officer of the Order of Mines, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders, Merit, Cartographers, Military Valour and Merchants

Hans von Hartmauer

Commander of the Order of Mines, Village chief of Stenveld and Norelum, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders, Merit and Merchants

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Armorial House Von Hartmauer

House Von Hartmauer

House Von Hartmauer

Founded on 1719196986

Characters: Stephan von Hartmauer: President of the Union of Bakers, President of the Bakeries Society, Baron of Hartmauer, Mayor of Dernel, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Officer of the Order of Builders, Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Denar, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit, Feather of Camões and Military Wounded, Member of the Union of Blacksmiths, Hildegard von Hartmauer: Hamlet chief of Östburg, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Mines and Merchants, Johanna von Hartmauer: Village chief of Adlers, Officer of the Order of Mines, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Denar and Merchants, Helena von Hartmauer: Lady of Hilver, Village chief of Mariupol, Officer of the Order of Mines, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders, Merit, Cartographers, Military Valour and Merchants, Hans von Hartmauer: Commander of the Order of Mines, Village chief of Stenveld and Norelum, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders, Merit and Merchants.


No personal information

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