Bogdan Metre

Lord of Ruinburg, Commander of the Order of Agriculture Merit and Civilian Victims, Village chief of Metrland and Adskie Peski, Officer of the Order of Builders, Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Hunters, Denar and Mines, Member of the Pear Growers, Apple Growers and Draft Horse Breeders Society

Avdakt Metre

Village chief of Goposransk, Officer of the Order of Civilian Victims, Hamlet chief of Pereval and Metreless, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Merit, Hunters, Agriculture Merit and Merchants

Avtonom Metre

Lord of Volonté, Officer of the Order of Military Valour, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Merit, Hunters, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Member of the Hazelnut Pickers Society

Metreden Metre II

Steward of Volonté, Officer of the Order of Military Valour

Svetoslav Metre

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Armorial House Metre

House Metre

House Metre

Founded on 1720988175

Characters: Bogdan Metre: Lord of Ruinburg, Commander of the Order of Agriculture Merit and Civilian Victims, Village chief of Metrland and Adskie Peski, Officer of the Order of Builders, Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Hunters, Denar and Mines, Member of the Pear Growers, Apple Growers and Draft Horse Breeders Society, Avdakt Metre: Village chief of Goposransk, Officer of the Order of Civilian Victims, Hamlet chief of Pereval and Metreless, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Merit, Hunters, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Avtonom Metre: Lord of Volonté, Officer of the Order of Military Valour, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Merit, Hunters, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Member of the Hazelnut Pickers Society, Metreden Metre II: Steward of Volonté, Officer of the Order of Military Valour, Svetoslav Metre.

No personal information

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