Madeleine de Sardet

Priestess of Ici-Les-Pléssys and Forêt-Boulaie, Elder of the brotherhood of Octavian Faith, Knight of the Order of Ancients and Civilian Victims

Armance de Sardet

Prioress of Sina, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Merit and Agriculture Merit, Member of the brotherhood of Octavian Faith

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Armorial House De Sardet

House De Sardet

House De Sardet

Founded on 1721843039

Characters: Madeleine de Sardet: Priestess of Ici-Les-Pléssys and Forêt-Boulaie, Elder of the brotherhood of Octavian Faith, Knight of the Order of Ancients and Civilian Victims, Armance de Sardet: Prioress of Sina, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Merit and Agriculture Merit, Member of the brotherhood of Octavian Faith.


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