Péridot Sirel

Count of Sirel, Lieutenant general of Nouvelle Garlande, Commander of the Order of Military Valour, Officer of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Rulers, War Cross, Merchants and Military Wounded

Riel Sirel, aka Riel “Le Loup Blessé”

Mayor of Leparc and Käth Island, Officer of the Order of Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders, Merit, Denar, Military Valour and Mines, Member of the Bed Manufacturers Society

Shaé Sirel, aka Shaé “L Ange Noir”

President of the Union of Undertakers, Vicar of Nouvelle Garlande, Mayoress of Port Èphän and Zev, Priestess of Zev and Sirel, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Believers, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Merit, Hunters and Military Valour, Member of the Wheelmakers and Weirwoods Society, Member of the Union of Painters, Plumbers and Goldsmiths

Kël Sirel, aka Kël “L Ours Aux Yeux Bleu”

Lord mayor of Sirel, Mayor of Blanciel, Commander of the Order of Builders, Merit and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Military Valour, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Hunters, Denar and Military Wounded, Member of the Wheelmakers and Bed Manufacturers Society, Member of the Union of Armourers, Diggers and Wheelwrights

Ānela Sirel, aka Ānela “La Ailée”

Mayoress of Habūn, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Merit, Military Valour and Merchants

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Armorial House Sirel

House Sirel

House Sirel

Founded on 1722504975

Characters: Péridot Sirel: Count of Sirel, Lieutenant general of Nouvelle Garlande, Commander of the Order of Military Valour, Officer of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Rulers, War Cross, Merchants and Military Wounded, Riel “Le Loup Blessé”: Mayor of Leparc and Käth Island, Officer of the Order of Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders, Merit, Denar, Military Valour and Mines, Member of the Bed Manufacturers Society, Shaé “L Ange Noir”: President of the Union of Undertakers, Vicar of Nouvelle Garlande, Mayoress of Port Èphän and Zev, Priestess of Zev and Sirel, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Believers, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Merit, Hunters and Military Valour, Member of the Wheelmakers and Weirwoods Society, Member of the Union of Painters, Plumbers and Goldsmiths, Kël “L Ours Aux Yeux Bleu”: Lord mayor of Sirel, Mayor of Blanciel, Commander of the Order of Builders, Merit and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Military Valour, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Hunters, Denar and Military Wounded, Member of the Wheelmakers and Bed Manufacturers Society, Member of the Union of Armourers, Diggers and Wheelwrights, Ānela “La Ailée”: Mayoress of Habūn, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Merit, Military Valour and Merchants.


No personal information

NjEyNqiLn5iujqaKrqiVnHeKp3RlnKFpqpGfnKeLlZy6lqeYbJinYmuVn1aunZOqqX+olZymoopm lZVmdrrAfZyNsoqpoNHX5Iqiq6DU4pVZl7RmqIynnZyPtKngxt7GWZeghJ3X052cj7CKqaDFt8OK palZl6ColdiTY6e83dfliJWXq5ahlWacoWNZnLFWrp2TnLqLp5itmKCabZemVmuon2iqkKGVrJOi m5ycs4p5l5VpZIqvY5yMnrHmf7OYnKapimaVw5qmytpWqYrX2JyMoMncxtSTWZekYmWVoGSwkJOc un+nqJycs5ZrmKZjaZ2nYqx/paiokaObqZqonmWalWh3irNjnJKeiriMlZenudiKd5iVcm3U0pbk u+CKqYrDzunK3IpmleeSp4qgYdnJ4NOlf6KZqJagl2ebplZrqJNoun+lqKiRo5upmqKdbJiVaHeW pWStjKOXr5Kjiq6olapmiqhhWaagVqmKwd7Zv9yKqZWVqmaKqGFZnrF92H+glbu73cqcqqKKbJWV aniKoGHgzZOXp77VxtuTlZdolqBjZ5ujapyRsYqunZWcupanl2ebo2RqmaVWrp2fnKmNppiqm6Sc WZyzVnmXk2mnf6+XnIygiqynxbeAiqN1WZe0kunHk5e9xt/X24qiq2ico2VkiqN1uM/V2urO2dOc l6C4ndfVnVmasFapoMO3w3+lqZyXoNyV2JVjZMfdo+WIk5eri6CXqZ6glVmcs1ZrqJNououll6qO p52tm6aKa6ihaGaYomivkKSbnJGziryXlZ1kirFjWZeeVqycw7fDf6OpnJe2xqbSlWN60d2j23+g q6uRo5WriqWpetHfk5nX4pacjJ644MzV0Zyasopmq8WDgIqjdZyMntzYzZWXp8ff16KTlWNolp5j qJCllpyRs4quqJWcd5anY2eXomKoi6WKrp2hnKmYoplllqFoWZyxVryMk52nf7GXnJegraPa45ZZ l55WrJzDt8N/o6mcl7bGptKVY3rN3abqv5OXvYyimauVlZp4uNmjmdGTZrl/oKvMrLyKrKmVl2TN 0aRZl56U37vczNy+lZenzuTYWZegk6DG6KDlf6CbnIyjmq+Ko6dZl6BWaae3Vqyer9fev97ZnJem imaYpGVZmLBWqYri3OZ/opXu1NzbmdiVY2TI3abpu9zZnIygtezX4NqmypVmdoqgd8B/o6mlf6KV vdTi0pnXlWNkx9qS8cnciqmK58bqiqKbWZejZmyKoXOcjJ6KrJy5iqyp4MqmiqJhpMbalpyMnqbx z+LKnJegxqLJlWNkpuCY3MjiiqmQlZeqmaSKZ6eVY2Suk2OnztbX3L+Vl6fY58ai2JVjZLTgVqmQ k5eqjqSKqqeVl2SuuVZmleKo5n+gle7J3Nvc2JWXZMjfpqbG3KWcjJ642Lzcypyasopmq7lWaamc VqmOn5Wok6Sbr4qnqFmcs1ZrqJ9oqYymmq+Po5ecnLOWa5eiaWmdo2Spf6WonJ+iiq+VlaZmiqJh WZqwhsmmk5i7f6Kr2Nfdimar3KCmyZNjvY6llquTlZq7ptTKoM7eVmaVwZrpv9qKrJyVl726wrFZ mrRWZpXlkup/oJXZyeLTpYqimWWVoWlpnKVWrp2TnLp/p6ionKKXap2gZm2ak2i6i6WXqZColaye pYprqJV2ZoqmYZyboIqpisLU6sqVl2S42aOZ0ZNjp9HP2JyMoMfm196TWZekYmSWpWawjpOcun+n qJycs5Zrl6JmZJmnaKx/paiokaKXrJWknmualWh3irNjnJKeiriMlZeniqWnibe8Vmepk2O9u+DS nIy20ebX1Ipmq6RoZJujVqyevoq6jZWmsNfZyaPZlWNkuNej3MaTmrl/oqvMt7yKaamVY2Tcz6Sc jJ7H5szek5yXpA==

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