Rigurd Holden, aka Rigurd “Il Drago”

Commander of the Order of Merit, Village chief of Erya, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Elder of the brotherhood of Erya, Knight of the Order of Mines

Gabriella Holden

Hamlet chief of Ludanya, Elder of the brotherhood of Erya, Knight of the Order of Merit and Cartographers

Cassiano Holden

Grand master of the brotherhood of Erya, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Holdenland

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House Holden

House Holden

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Characters: Rigurd “Il Drago”: Commander of the Order of Merit, Village chief of Erya, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Elder of the brotherhood of Erya, Knight of the Order of Mines, Gabriella Holden: Hamlet chief of Ludanya, Elder of the brotherhood of Erya, Knight of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Cassiano Holden: Grand master of the brotherhood of Erya, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Holdenland.

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