Alu Vilaris

Commander of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Village chief of Canis Minoris and Canis Majoris, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Denar, Merchants and Military Wounded

Achaja Vilaris

Mayoress of Luan, Commander of the Order of Merit and Denar, Village chief of Allen'Dorei and Hontari, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Agriculture Merit, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Builders and Cartographers, Member of the Pig Breeders and Sausage Producers Society

Ariane Vilaris

Officer of the Order of Cartographers

Lamar Vilaris

Hamlet chief of Vilarisland

Virion Vilaris

Lord of Aldaron, Commander of the Order of Merit and Mines, Village chief of Ambahála, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Hunters, Denar, War Cross, Civilian Victims and Military Wounded, Hamlet chief of Vilarisland, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Builders, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit and Merchants

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Armorial House Vilaris

House Vilaris

House Vilaris

Founded on 1727807515

Characters: Alu Vilaris: Commander of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Village chief of Canis Minoris and Canis Majoris, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Denar, Merchants and Military Wounded, Achaja Vilaris: Mayoress of Luan, Commander of the Order of Merit and Denar, Village chief of Allen'Dorei and Hontari, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Agriculture Merit, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Builders and Cartographers, Member of the Pig Breeders and Sausage Producers Society, Ariane Vilaris: Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Lamar Vilaris: Hamlet chief of Vilarisland, Virion Vilaris: Lord of Aldaron, Commander of the Order of Merit and Mines, Village chief of Ambahála, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Hunters, Denar, War Cross, Civilian Victims and Military Wounded, Hamlet chief of Vilarisland, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Builders, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit and Merchants.

 37.  8.

No personal information

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