Camila Coelho

Village chief of Quincas Borba, Officer of the Order of Mines, Hamlet chief of Dom Casmurro and Policarpo Quaresma, Knight of the Order of Merit and Cartographers

Rodrigo Coelho

Master of the guild of Orvalho, Hamlet chief of Coelholand and Coelholand, Knight of the Order of Merit, Cartographers, Denar and Mines

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Armorial House Coelho

House Coelho

House Coelho

Founded on 1734788438

Characters: Camila Coelho: Village chief of Quincas Borba, Officer of the Order of Mines, Hamlet chief of Dom Casmurro and Policarpo Quaresma, Knight of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Rodrigo Coelho: Master of the guild of Orvalho, Hamlet chief of Coelholand and Coelholand, Knight of the Order of Merit, Cartographers, Denar and Mines.


No personal information

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