Jabran Jabland

Commander of the Order of Merit, Village chief of Jablandland, Officer of the Order of Cartographers and Mines, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Builders, Agriculture Merit and Merchants

Eduard Jabland

Officer of the Order of Merit, Hamlet chief of Jablandland, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Cartographers and Mines

Zia Jabland

Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Jablandland, Knight of the Order of Merit

Stanislav Jabland

Hamlet chief of Jablandland, Knight of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Member of the Hevea Forests Society

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Armorial House Jabland

House Jabland

House Jabland

Founded on 1734984592

Characters: Jabran Jabland: Commander of the Order of Merit, Village chief of Jablandland, Officer of the Order of Cartographers and Mines, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Builders, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Eduard Jabland: Officer of the Order of Merit, Hamlet chief of Jablandland, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Cartographers and Mines, Zia Jabland: Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Jablandland, Knight of the Order of Merit, Stanislav Jabland: Hamlet chief of Jablandland, Knight of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Member of the Hevea Forests Society.

No personal information

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