Aravos Bardodefuego

Hamlet chief of Lorien and Bardodefuegoland, Knight of the Order of Cartographers

Señor del Bosque Bardodefuego

Hamlet chief of Minas Ithil and Bardodefuegoland, Knight of the Order of Cartographers

Guardian del Agua Bardodefuego

Village chief of Minas Anor and Moria, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Merit and Mines, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Cartographers, Denar, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded, Member of the Olive Oil Producers Society

Guardiana del Aire Bardodefuego

Village chief of Rivendel, Officer of the Order of Mines and Agriculture Merit, Hamlet chief of Auri, Knight of the Order of Cartographers and Merchants

Patricio Bardodefuego

Lord of Comarca, Officer of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Cartographers, Denar and Merchants

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Armorial House Bardodefuego

House Bardodefuego

House Bardodefuego

Founded on 1735048831

Characters: Aravos Bardodefuego: Hamlet chief of Lorien and Bardodefuegoland, Knight of the Order of Cartographers, Señor del Bosque Bardodefuego: Hamlet chief of Minas Ithil and Bardodefuegoland, Knight of the Order of Cartographers, Guardian del Agua Bardodefuego: Village chief of Minas Anor and Moria, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Merit and Mines, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Cartographers, Denar, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded, Member of the Olive Oil Producers Society, Guardiana del Aire Bardodefuego: Village chief of Rivendel, Officer of the Order of Mines and Agriculture Merit, Hamlet chief of Auri, Knight of the Order of Cartographers and Merchants, Patricio Bardodefuego: Lord of Comarca, Officer of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Cartographers, Denar and Merchants.


No personal information

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