Tritemios Trimegistrus Agrippa

Grand master of the brotherhood of Palmeiras, Village chief of Palmeiras, Officer of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Barro Novo, Knight of the Order of Agriculture Merit and Mines

Afonso Trimegistrus Agrippa

Hamlet chief of Zimbros, Elder of the brotherhood of Palmeiras, Knight of the Order of Cartographers

Dinis Trimegistrus

Elder of the brotherhood of Palmeiras

Manuéla Trimegistrus

Elder of the brotherhood of Palmeiras

Camila Trimegistrus

Priestess of Palmeiras, Elder of the brotherhood of Palmeiras

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Armorial House Trimegistrus

House Trimegistrus

House Trimegistrus

Founded on 1736448745

Characters: Tritemios Trimegistrus Agrippa: Grand master of the brotherhood of Palmeiras, Village chief of Palmeiras, Officer of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Barro Novo, Knight of the Order of Agriculture Merit and Mines, Afonso Trimegistrus Agrippa: Hamlet chief of Zimbros, Elder of the brotherhood of Palmeiras, Knight of the Order of Cartographers, Dinis Trimegistrus: Elder of the brotherhood of Palmeiras, Manuéla Trimegistrus: Elder of the brotherhood of Palmeiras, Camila Trimegistrus: Priestess of Palmeiras, Elder of the brotherhood of Palmeiras.

 3.  5.

No personal information

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