Kadoc Daram

Grand officer of the Order of Merit, Commander of the Order of Cartographers, Village chief of Noble-Perce-Val and Grimaudie, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Denar, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants

Agenulf Daram

Lord of Daramland, Commander of the Order of Merit, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed and Denar

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Armorial House Daram

House Daram

House Daram

Founded on 1737990014

Characters: Kadoc Daram: Grand officer of the Order of Merit, Commander of the Order of Cartographers, Village chief of Noble-Perce-Val and Grimaudie, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Denar, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Agenulf Daram: Lord of Daramland, Commander of the Order of Merit, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed and Denar.

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