Elrikon Ar Gwizieg Augis

Grand master of the Order of Blessed, Grand cross of the Order of Builders, Hunters, Merchants and Military Wounded, President of the Union of Wheelwrights, Lord mayor of Feizerpont, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Vicar of Feizerpont, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Merit, Military Valour and Agriculture Merit, Village chief of Pontar, Officer of the Order of Believers, Denar and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Cartographers, War Cross and Feather of Molière, Member of the Union of Lime Burners, Cabinetmakers and Toolmakers, Member of the Music Publishers, Table Manufacturers and Chair Manufacturers Society

Robresse Augis

Matriarch of Feizerpont, Grand mistress of the Order of Believers, Grand cross of the Order of Builders, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Rulers and Merit, Dean of the academy of Doctrine of Faith, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Hunters, Denar, Military Valour and Feather of Molière, Knight of the Order of Merchants, Member of the Union of Undertakers, Member of the brotherhood of Union of Free and Independent Religion and Octavian Faith

Guyaume Augis

Prior of Manati, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Builders and Agriculture Merit, Officer of the Order of Believers, Merit and Mines, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Hunters, Denar, Military Valour, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Member of the Chilli Growers and Barley Growers Society

Garréjade Augis

Grand cross of the Order of Hunters, Mines and Military Wounded, Grand officer of the Order of Civilian Victims, Lord of Kreñz Kraou, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Village chief of Stonehands, Hamlet chief of Prouadgwig, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Believers, Merit, Denar and War Cross, Member of the Mechanicians and Salt Producers Society

Apolline Augis

Grand cross of the Order of Blessed, Mines and Civilian Victims, President of the Union of Basketmakers, Grand officer of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Commander of the Order of Builders and Merchants, Village chief of Stanpeskedus, Nevez Kazhkamp, Vulpeu and Faou-An-Norzh, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Rulers, Hunters and Denar, Knight of the Order of Merit and Feather of Molière, Member of the Beech Forests, Lime Kilns and Clay Pits Society, Member of the Union of Diggers, Farmers and Lime Burners

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Armorial House Augis

House Augis

House Augis

Founded on 1618960591

Characters: Elrikon Ar Gwizieg Augis: Grand master of the Order of Blessed, Grand cross of the Order of Builders, Hunters, Merchants and Military Wounded, President of the Union of Wheelwrights, Lord mayor of Feizerpont, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Vicar of Feizerpont, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Merit, Military Valour and Agriculture Merit, Village chief of Pontar, Officer of the Order of Believers, Denar and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Cartographers, War Cross and Feather of Molière, Member of the Union of Lime Burners, Cabinetmakers and Toolmakers, Member of the Music Publishers, Table Manufacturers and Chair Manufacturers Society, Robresse Augis: Matriarch of Feizerpont, Grand mistress of the Order of Believers, Grand cross of the Order of Builders, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Rulers and Merit, Dean of the academy of Doctrine of Faith, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Hunters, Denar, Military Valour and Feather of Molière, Knight of the Order of Merchants, Member of the Union of Undertakers, Member of the brotherhood of Union of Free and Independent Religion and Octavian Faith, Guyaume Augis: Prior of Manati, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Builders and Agriculture Merit, Officer of the Order of Believers, Merit and Mines, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Hunters, Denar, Military Valour, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Member of the Chilli Growers and Barley Growers Society, Garréjade Augis: Grand cross of the Order of Hunters, Mines and Military Wounded, Grand officer of the Order of Civilian Victims, Lord of Kreñz Kraou, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Village chief of Stonehands, Hamlet chief of Prouadgwig, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Believers, Merit, Denar and War Cross, Member of the Mechanicians and Salt Producers Society, Apolline Augis: Grand cross of the Order of Blessed, Mines and Civilian Victims, President of the Union of Basketmakers, Grand officer of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Commander of the Order of Builders and Merchants, Village chief of Stanpeskedus, Nevez Kazhkamp, Vulpeu and Faou-An-Norzh, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Rulers, Hunters and Denar, Knight of the Order of Merit and Feather of Molière, Member of the Beech Forests, Lime Kilns and Clay Pits Society, Member of the Union of Diggers, Farmers and Lime Burners.

Family crypt: Léopoldine Augis: Officer of the Order of Rulers, Builders and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Merit, Military Valour and Mines.

 3218.  81.

Nantes, Pays de la Loire, France

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