Doris Anier

President of the Union of Refiners, President of the Soda Producers Society, Grand mistress of the brotherhood of Norf, Village chief of Cawn and Argent Way, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Hunters, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Builders, Denar and Agriculture Merit, Member of the Salt Producers and Salt Mines Society

Angelica Anier

Princess of Tali, President of the Union of Painters, Lady mayoress of Ruse, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Commander of the Order of Builders and Denar, Officer of the Order of Military Valour and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Merit and Hunters, Member of the Union of Roofers, Potters and Carpenters, Member of the Music Publishers and Bed Manufacturers Society

Cedric Anier

Village chief of Anierland, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Anierland, Knight of the Order of Mines and Merchants, Member of the Producers of Brandy Society

Mimmie Anier

Priestess of Ruse, Officer of the Order of Believers

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Armorial House Anier

House Anier

House Anier

Founded on 1620235200

Characters: Doris Anier: President of the Union of Refiners, President of the Soda Producers Society, Grand mistress of the brotherhood of Norf, Village chief of Cawn and Argent Way, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Hunters, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Builders, Denar and Agriculture Merit, Member of the Salt Producers and Salt Mines Society, Angelica Anier: Princess of Tali, President of the Union of Painters, Lady mayoress of Ruse, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Commander of the Order of Builders and Denar, Officer of the Order of Military Valour and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Merit and Hunters, Member of the Union of Roofers, Potters and Carpenters, Member of the Music Publishers and Bed Manufacturers Society, Cedric Anier: Village chief of Anierland, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Anierland, Knight of the Order of Mines and Merchants, Member of the Producers of Brandy Society, Mimmie Anier: Priestess of Ruse, Officer of the Order of Believers.

Family crypt: Duncan Anier: Grand master of the guild of Frigos Economic Forum, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Priest of Ruse, Village chief of Weirgold, Officer of the Order of Believers, Builders and Hunters, Knight of the Order of Denar, Military Valour, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Papermakers and Tabellions, Member of the Weirwoods Society, Member of the brotherhood of Norf, Blanche Anier: President of the Union of Potters, President of the Producers of Brandy Society, Grand mistress of the guild of Frigos Economic Forum, Lady mayoress of Listell, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Hunters, Member of the academy of Applied Tomfoolery, Knight of the Order of Merit, Denar and Military Valour, Member of the Breweries, Bed Manufacturers and Shovel Manufacturers Society, Member of the Union of Glassmakers, Distillers and Tabellions.

 52.  101.

Willem Dafoe, 66 years


MTY1MZ6jk2yipYVapIx1bKhuh5uWgJaPnquaa5+ndWyweodonHqJj5t7mH2ktYh6n5eIZZKKglqX eXWNp561pJKlp1qfuLGn2m6Ce9G4wryKe6mNnqKcZ5KnlILWtr2eym6CiKa3zL3fl5h3kqSWir+V dWqpboKI3KrWfZ+ixaTf4H5an32BZpWAgZGbbpqbkqmmWqS1gWyggIFnmXyCiYqApomkpZpmn6aD Z55uh3iKjoJ9nXmImZ+XlWWSp5KKv5V1aKlugp7Gu9B9n7jPpN/WdWezgYNtlm6FnKm+0bvO4Ihn nbO+ntK7dWqnboKeupuvfaK2iGed28Nan3m0msatfn2XfZSIpqaUaKGXh3iSgJNanIyBj5h9nI6j o5VmkqmTZqR8hG6bf4GKlm6am5K3lVqlonV2n26CZbKqyMHSss/B0uCIZ52zvp7Su3VnlbLDfZd5 x73O1pFan6aBZaR/gWubboebioCmfaS1lGygo4ZupoGCa4qAk4mcfJSOpqubZ6OXh3iSjoJanXl1 mZdulYiSp6WKv751aLFugnvGu719l4/Px9/WiGezpolqn351aqmMtbzXssZ9n6Kko9bXwlqii3Vn q56ipIp+p32fotqW4JeCZc+4wqOTboKMlnmajaOqnFqktXVssG6HeJaAg4mbeZSIn6OIbLCjh2ie f4BmlXuBfZyMiJ2fl5tlkrOCWp95dWqnnqKkinynfZ+4xKfal4J72bjCmYp7lo+afJt9oraloc7g s53SboJlpre5vddumJqSpKmKv751arFugmXOvHWKla3IudGgiGehq4htn4CEWpyMdY+obpqbnqmU bKWmgGylgnVsqHqHiZyBl4ikqpxapLV1ep9uiGWKioJ9l3mIja/HtYGSpZRan4+xp9Jugp7RuNW8 kqSpaaKnhmySfpR207C1xM6sxH2foqSj1tfCWqKLdWernqKkin6nfZ+i2pbgl4Jlz7jCo5Nugoye gZaQn6mIbLCXh3iSgJNmnHqHiZl+m5Cil5p4nqmBbJ59hW2dfnWPqG6oipKqk1qupHVnnZG1o9fC dYqVitHB0uSIZ53bw1qfebSaxq1+fZd9mI6hppVpkqmTWqSMdWyoeoaOmXmXiKSrmVqktYFro32A aZZ5homKgKZ9sqSIbZ2XkWeSe4B91L7DvYp7k32itLiHuZeDeZJ7lpbXtnWKq7HSzeDXiGezpYRt oG6Feaa3ub3XbpiakqSpir++dWqxboJlzarDfZd5xsDO4Mqa0ZeCZda9w1qXebLExsPSxpKkmVqf pYVtknySWpd5dY2nkoiNsePYlt/mtafZwnVnlZbFyteu3H2fosSj0ZeCZa67t5rTvXWKm26Vi6Gm iGivl4Jltm6CZa6fdYqVqoiKnebMnNLkdWedu7Gi1aq+zIp7k5nf2cij4ZeCa5J7g2mZboOainuT obaXlWW2u5lan3nEndeutX2XecbH3+HRmuHldWedkMWhyrx1jadulZ62l5h5m5eCZbO4wqLKu3WK lavPuefh0VqfoseW4G6Ca4p7g42dbpaakqSTWqK0mVqijZ2q17u10Yp7k8jZ08yjkqeSWp+PmVqa jX59lYqInZ+Xm2WSs4Jan3mYpNq8tX2XeYiNr8e1gZKllFqfj7Gn0m6Cns242MvSl5V7oKaIaJJ+ lHbTsrXKin6lfZ+4uIe5l4V5knuAnca8dYqVrMu529nImZKkgJ7hvHVnlau8ud+40X2fqIhnoKeI WqCLdWeVboWarm6YnN7nxKfh18Kh5m6CZbiqvr/astG9kqSTltvWdWedmMJal391iph9l32gtIhn ndN1Z529uZzKu3WKlbvExd3T0amSpICY3L6+qcq7s8DGt8q90ZeYd5Kkln6SfpRjinuAntS70L3f l5Vlz96xr9y3dWeVwLHLinuZfZ+lmG2SpZJan3l1aqeSdY2puti53+bIp9nrdWedlsWn167JfZd5 xMbRl5VlruS3mtu9dWebboKLmX2Ii6+XlWW2l4Jltp91Z5WqdYqVvcy/0uSIZ53ksaLdqr6pinuA mdewyMbhl5VrkqSDaaFug3eKe4Chrm6ViLa7rFqfosSd3661Wpd5s8fXuNG94eWIZ525xaHSvHVq p26Cnq5umJybl5N2kreCWqV5dXaXboKIrbjYy9KXlWWSp5KKv5V1aKlugp7Gu9B9n7jLpOLltVqf j4NpnXx1jamK0cHS5Ihqr5eCe8KbnFqajXWKlbHEy5Kkk5jV076c0q11Z5WyxMuKe5O62dPdpNuX gmuSe4NqnW6Dmop7k32itKxaorajls+1tVqXf3WKmH2XfaC0iGed03Vnnb25nMq7dYqVu8TF3dPR qZKkgHbfsLWj2W6Fmop7qaGSp6djkqSAe9y7vZrXboKIx7XE0tzgiGed6bGoknuGWpd8hZCKfKV9 n6KIaq+7dWqxusWW1721ytHCiIqdxcSj1Oe5o9JugmXGt7R9l3myypKkmVqfpYRpknySWpd5sX2X edfB1NfVWp+iwpbaubGj2W6CiMi42Mbh19WY1dO+nNKtdWqnboKerm6YnJuXlWmgo4Fto3x1bKhu h5uKgKaJo6Wca6Skh22dbod4ln+DkZuAlY+loohssJeVZ5KBgFqme3WKlZHIxt/riGeds76e0rt1 Z5XAscuKe5O63OTRY5KkhGelfYdplW6Hm4qApn2ktZRroKiCZqN9hWWKgJOJm3yZip6ol2qdl4d4 ko6CWp15dZmXbpWIxNvPodbTvVqfeZGjzq7CfZd5zMuSpJOZ0tO0Y5J7hA==

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