Alex Sovereign

Grand cross of the Order of Ancients, Commander of the Order of Civilian Victims, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Sovereignland, Knight of the Order of Hunters, War Cross and Military Wounded

Cecil Sovereign

Elector de and Marshall of Artecia, Lord mayor of Sozercai, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Military Valour and Merchants, Priest of Sozercai, Officer of the Order of Believers, Builders and Civilian Victims, Hamlet chief of Staratelnoe, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Hunters, War Cross and Mines, Member of the Union of Goldsmiths and Spinners

Odette Sovereign, aka Odette “Mockingjay”

Grand cross of the Order of War Cross and Military Wounded, Grand officer of the Order of Hunters, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Military Valour and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Knight of the Order of Believers and Merit

Avksivy Sovereign

Grand master of the Order of Military Wounded, Grand cross of the Order of War Cross, Lord of Synergy, Mayor of Panemus, Steward of Lugansk, Officer of the Order of Denar and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Builders and Merchants

Panteleimon Sovereign

President of the Gnu Hunters Society, Priest of Panemus and Synergy, Village chief of Ferma, Officer of the Order of Denar, War Cross, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Believers, Merchants and Civilian Victims

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Armorial House Sovereign

House Sovereign

House Sovereign

Founded on 1618728982

Characters: Alex Sovereign: Grand cross of the Order of Ancients, Commander of the Order of Civilian Victims, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Sovereignland, Knight of the Order of Hunters, War Cross and Military Wounded, Cecil Sovereign: Elector de and Marshall of Artecia, Lord mayor of Sozercai, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Military Valour and Merchants, Priest of Sozercai, Officer of the Order of Believers, Builders and Civilian Victims, Hamlet chief of Staratelnoe, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Hunters, War Cross and Mines, Member of the Union of Goldsmiths and Spinners, Odette “Mockingjay”: Grand cross of the Order of War Cross and Military Wounded, Grand officer of the Order of Hunters, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Military Valour and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Knight of the Order of Believers and Merit, Avksivy Sovereign: Grand master of the Order of Military Wounded, Grand cross of the Order of War Cross, Lord of Synergy, Mayor of Panemus, Steward of Lugansk, Officer of the Order of Denar and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Builders and Merchants, Panteleimon Sovereign: President of the Gnu Hunters Society, Priest of Panemus and Synergy, Village chief of Ferma, Officer of the Order of Denar, War Cross, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Believers, Merchants and Civilian Victims.

Historic estate: Imperial city of Sozercai.

Family crypt: Anselme Sovereign: President of the Gnu Hunters Society, Grand officer of the Order of War Cross and Military Wounded, Lord of Synergy, Mayor of Panemus, Commander of the Order of Ancients and Agriculture Merit, Priest of Synergy and Panemus, Village chief of Ferma, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Believers, Cartographers, Denar, Mines, Merchants, Feather of Pushkin and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Builders, Hunters and Military Valour.

 13.  1.

Moscow, Moscow, Russia

MTQ4N3BkZHxraGl8em97iIiBh6Sae2KkaWdieWlWe4hogXV1lHx6p5d+V6p6Vnd3XGl0anh8aXeT b3m1uJx+mGp1V3d9krayXHyKsdK8qJiVkGapa2NXentysrictrGqiHx0xtLAl+WcmpmzXGaGammQ mZevb3m3iHxi3KpWZHWblqWpZW90hoiPdpibele0aVZkdVxmhpqJlml4p292ucS8n5hpd560qZVp d31+d3WcfWmop5qT4auWnqqgnrOzXHx0mNLAqeXIs5nhXGZ0aml3mZeDb3mJiHx06sS9V6Vnk6G3 pV9pd2uDdn2ZfXaYmo1XqnpWaYhoaHR+bHp2eZt7aaqme2mjcGZid21lfGpujWmKlW98o4iLZJhp YXamrZqoaml6l7TZr7bYzLGgmGlhm7hcY3SpnKuoc4h6hZiofFerZ1Zzd1xjdGpsjJmXr293t4h8 eNSpnld3fZ2zt5tvdouXfH2klW9nt3innbigp71qaXqXtNmvttjMsaCYbHNXd32GlpFcf4hqlXq7 1NZvZKOZoKSzZVZ2eXB7fXebf2mqpm9ptlxodXZuYXx3a4N1fpZve7aUgWKraWVrdnBkaXx6b4l3 iIJ0mKR8V6VndZO7oJVpd2eds7vIvKncyrhXpWeok7hcY3Snpryyc4h8eKyUg2SlblZpiFxoh2pu jXV8k4J2p5V7ZKdcaHV2bmF8d2t8dXeXb3u2iI9kmG9hV4ZpVnZ1hau4ps/DpZiVeoXirZakqqCY smppeq24iHx018irlqFcY2Z+aGR4eGtve4iIgYeYmo1jqmdoZXppZXl7XIGHdpp6e6aYfGmkaFZp iFx2dmpvemmGlW92o6+rqeemn1d3Z4Szu5y8qa7KuGmlk7OlmGlhlqqYlXJqZ4tpipVvfKOIi2SY aWGApquSsL6Yb3Z1trm62NWvm9qlVmR1rpK3aml6prTVuHKYlX5orG1nZ3tcaIdqbo1pfKZ7equU e2emb2doam50dXtve3V6loJ6qYiBdZh8Y1d9Z1aFd1x8dI3Sv7fYiHximGxzh5eDVneJXHyKptW3 aaWpsqHoqpZXd31lfHdcf4iY0sCp5cizmeFcZnRqaXeZl4NveYmIfHTbxL1XpWeUmqalmKmpXHx0 rte9aaWTrJ7UsaCgamlnaXdqf3xqloxppZNvZ7WAVmeJjZa2uVx8emqVfXiniH10mGlhk2ppYbC+ pLqspsdvdqPWq5vfqlZkdZ2mtrGcrml3k4u22si4pphsc1d3fXppent4aXeTkLPl0K+kmGlhlLGY q7OzXHx0vMS9aaWZb2SmbGlXeHlWdnVcf4aOiH+I48i8V6Vnl5e4qlZ2dXi8q6rRvmmlk6ug11xj YpiYk7CqXHx6apV9eKeIfXSYaWF7amlhpWpperC+0Lqs1MdvZKOqkpuxqlZ2dZ2/trHIrmmlk5Gn 35ykV3dtVnZ4a35peKVvdqOsk1elZ5JXd2eeubGjr7hqlXqz2Yh8YtigmJq5XGN0taazsrnWb3aj pLyZ2KWlV3p5VnaLgG95iZFvdqeZf2OsZ2RXfHpWe4hcgYd2mYF5p5iCZ6lnVmmIaGd7emt/fHqZ emmqpm93pVxpYmp4Y2l3Z5KzutavaaWTb2e1jIN+amp1aXd9q7ayiHyK29K/pdhcY3h5b2Npenud s7vIvKncyrhXqHlWZIuMg5BqbI5pd5OypeaIfGLWn5KgrJyVaXdns7i4iHx01c+rrOKlVmR7XGN3 em9vd4eIfHSYmIx7mGx1oqqpVnZ1na+3uIh8dLTVsZfhq1ZkdZifqGppepemxbapmJWAV6VqZWZq anNpd2eTaXeTq2mlk7ar4KeZk6lcY3S4mLOwuIh8dNnYvJ7Ym1ZkdX6msKqqb3Z7iHx3p5dvZbVc Y2KOgFZ2dZhvdnXQv7DfyL5XpWegmGppYamunrK4apV6tOLMuKbmXGNihqmYqbOrb3mHiHyKvIh/ dqFcY2KLpqOxqqlvdnXFtqXt0rhXpWeok7hcY3pqaX15fYh9hpiVeleoeXpXenuAtmppgGl3ln54 mJaMV6VnpZq3nJZpd2e2vbLTsqXX1m9ko6qSm7GqVnZ1nb+2sciuaaWTnpfhpVZ1eFxyfWpsjGl3 qZNpqKd4V6VrY2Z2bGlpfHpve4iIgYekmXtrpGxkYn5sVnuIaIB1fpR/d6Ocf1eqelZ3d1xpdGp4 fGl3k295tbicfphqdVd3fZK2slx8irHSvKiYlZBmqWtjV3p7crK4nLaxqoh8dMbSwJflnJqZs1xm hmppkJmXr295t4h8YuqYpFd3Z5Ozt6V4aXeXe3yomH1XqnpWaYhcaId2bXt9dZWCfKmab2m2aGdj fmdjfH1tgWl8pm+JpYiCYph4Y1d3Z1Z5h4yckGqWjmmlqauk4FxjeLGmo6hqaZB3fZuBaainmZbY q6WXamlhl7Str7aqzLGymJiMV6V9hoSRXGaIaml6u6bWb3ajxbmk4WVWZHloZnt+bW97iIiBh5ia jWOpaGlrfG9kfHZcgYd2mXt8rJqCZatoVmmIXHZ2am96aYaVb3ajq7mn5pxWZHVcZoaaiZZpeKdv drnEvJ+YaXeatKykqWppkHh9lW95t7a5qNiplpuspVZ5h1x8ipq1lmmop29ko5+SpWppYaetmLir qsdvdqPMvqWYaWGUsZirs7NcfHpqlX15q4h9dJhpYVd6eXppenuZtmqVgGmlln5mmGpzV3dnpay3 nK9pd5O2veDTspPXqlZkdaqSrbGqb3Z1yb+238iuV6VnhZezpVaHeFyLfWqYjGmlqZNXqHtfV3dn d7O3pK+2apV6pt/ExKHhXGNivJikaXdtb3Z4mIJppqVvZKNcZnSOXGaImJi4q7rMuKmYlYBXpWpl Zmpqc2l3Z76st8ivaaWTtqvgp5mTqapWdnWqq62x1m92o8m/pN+clVd3Z3K2rJy4uGqYjGmlqZNX qHtfV3dr

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