Victor Deremy, aka Victor “L Ancien”

President of the Union of Market gardeners, President of the Whisky Distilleries Society, Lord mayor of Carmélide, Grand officer of the Order of Ancients, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Peer of the realm of Logres, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Hunters, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Village chief of Mareuil, Les-Tuileries and Houille, Officer of the Order of Denar and Mines, Knight of the Order of Merit, Member of the Union of Tailors, Spinners and Ploughmen, Member of the Coke ovens, Reindeer Hunters and Spruce Forests Society

Venec Deremy, aka Venec “Le Futé”

President of the Leek Growers Society, Grand officer of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Commander of the Order of Builders, Hunters, Denar, Merchants and Military Wounded, Village chief of Monchy and Canly, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Mines and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Merit and Cartographers, Member of the Onion Growers, Rum Distilleries and Olive Groves Society

Bohort Deremy, aka Bohort “Le Sage”

Prince of Gaunes, Mayor of Gaunes, Commander of the Order of Rulers and Merchants, Master of the guild of Bear of Carmelide, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Denar and Military Valour, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Merit, Hunters, Cartographers, War Cross and Military Wounded, Member of the Bed Manufacturers, Sausage Producers and Lutemakers Society, Member of the Union of Pork Butchers

Artos Deremy, aka Artos “L Ours Noir”

King of Logres, Grand cross of the Order of Builders, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers and Hunters, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Merit and Military Valour, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Denar, Feather of Molière and Military Wounded, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Merchants, Member of the brotherhood of Knights of Square Table

Erika Deremy

Hamlet chief of Deremyland, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Builders, Hunters, Merchants and Feather of Molière

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Armorial House Deremy

House Deremy

House Deremy

Founded on 1618734203

Characters: Victor “L Ancien”: President of the Union of Market gardeners, President of the Whisky Distilleries Society, Lord mayor of Carmélide, Grand officer of the Order of Ancients, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Peer of the realm of Logres, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Hunters, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Village chief of Mareuil, Les-Tuileries and Houille, Officer of the Order of Denar and Mines, Knight of the Order of Merit, Member of the Union of Tailors, Spinners and Ploughmen, Member of the Coke ovens, Reindeer Hunters and Spruce Forests Society, Venec “Le Futé”: President of the Leek Growers Society, Grand officer of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Commander of the Order of Builders, Hunters, Denar, Merchants and Military Wounded, Village chief of Monchy and Canly, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Mines and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Merit and Cartographers, Member of the Onion Growers, Rum Distilleries and Olive Groves Society, Bohort “Le Sage”: Prince of Gaunes, Mayor of Gaunes, Commander of the Order of Rulers and Merchants, Master of the guild of Bear of Carmelide, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Denar and Military Valour, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Merit, Hunters, Cartographers, War Cross and Military Wounded, Member of the Bed Manufacturers, Sausage Producers and Lutemakers Society, Member of the Union of Pork Butchers, Artos “L Ours Noir”: King of Logres, Grand cross of the Order of Builders, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers and Hunters, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Merit and Military Valour, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Denar, Feather of Molière and Military Wounded, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Merchants, Member of the brotherhood of Knights of Square Table, Erika Deremy: Hamlet chief of Deremyland, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Builders, Hunters, Merchants and Feather of Molière.

Family crypt: Artos “L'Ours Noir”: Duke of Logres, Count of Camalot, Grand cross of the Order of Rulers, Builders and Merchants, Grand officer of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Denar and War Cross, Officer of the Order of Merit, Military Valour and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Mines and Feather of Molière, Member of the Sausage Producers, Apple Growers and Winegrowers Society, Cedric “L Ours de Carmelide”: King and Peer of the realm of Logres, Count of Camalot, Grand cross of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Grand officer of the Order of Holy Spirit and Ancients, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Merit, War Cross, Military Valour, Merchants, Feather of Molière and Military Wounded, Officer of the Order of Denar and Civilian Victims.

 1300.  46.

Compiègne, Hauts-de-France, France

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