Vera Tarxe

Commander of the Order of Ancients, Priestess of Isalmar, Officer of the Order of Believers and Builders, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Merit and Denar

Féodor Tarxe

Lord of Mande-Les-Rives, Mayor of Vauban, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Hunters and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Builders, Denar and Agriculture Merit

Adèle Tarxe

Mayoress of Isalmar, Commander of the Order of Builders, Mistress of the guild of East Klauston, Village chief of Pointe Hadrian, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Hunters and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Cartographers, Denar, Military Valour, Mines, Merchants, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Member of the Motorists Society, Member of the Union of Perfumers

Eliette Tarxe

Princess of Bandar, Baroness of Arcques, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Blessed and Denar, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Merit, Hunters, War Cross and Military Wounded, Member of the Maple Syrup Producers Society

Ophélie Tarxe

Grand officer of the Order of Denar, Vicar of Pic-Aux-Marais, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Vice-mayoress of Rives-Altes, Priestess of Arcques, Village chief of Ixar-La-Baie and Adamar, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Mines, Hamlet chief of Salces, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Believers and Builders, Member of the Lime Forests, Ash Forests and Barley Growers Society

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Armorial House Tarxe

House Tarxe

House Tarxe

Founded on 1618735517

Characters: Vera Tarxe: Commander of the Order of Ancients, Priestess of Isalmar, Officer of the Order of Believers and Builders, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Merit and Denar, Féodor Tarxe: Lord of Mande-Les-Rives, Mayor of Vauban, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Hunters and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Builders, Denar and Agriculture Merit, Adèle Tarxe: Mayoress of Isalmar, Commander of the Order of Builders, Mistress of the guild of East Klauston, Village chief of Pointe Hadrian, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Hunters and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Cartographers, Denar, Military Valour, Mines, Merchants, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Member of the Motorists Society, Member of the Union of Perfumers, Eliette Tarxe: Princess of Bandar, Baroness of Arcques, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Blessed and Denar, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Merit, Hunters, War Cross and Military Wounded, Member of the Maple Syrup Producers Society, Ophélie Tarxe: Grand officer of the Order of Denar, Vicar of Pic-Aux-Marais, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Vice-mayoress of Rives-Altes, Priestess of Arcques, Village chief of Ixar-La-Baie and Adamar, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Mines, Hamlet chief of Salces, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Believers and Builders, Member of the Lime Forests, Ash Forests and Barley Growers Society.

Family crypt: Leimor Tarxe: Grand officer of the Order of Builders, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Merit, Member of the Bell Founders Society, Member of the Union of Comedians, Tailors and Chandlers.

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No personal information

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