Dærrel Sæbástur, aka Dærrel “Silbear”

Grand master of the Order of Feather of Cervantes, Marquess of Cantabria, Translator (español), Grand cross of the Order of Ancients, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Peer of the realm of Amethyn, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit, Master of the guild of Aegir, Officer of the Order of Builders and Military Valour, Knight of the Order of Merit, Hunters, Denar and Merchants

Cæleste Sæbástur Dærreldottir

President of the Boar Hunters Society, Grand officer of the Order of Mines, Baroness of Grex Ursorum, Commander of the Order of Merchants, Village chief of Ursus Silva and Mons Ursus, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Hunters, Denar, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Ancients and Builders, Member of the Sapphire Mines, Sheep Breeders and Elk Hunters Society

Yato Sæbástur Satake

President of the Sheep Breeders Society, President of the Union of Shepherds, Mayor of Miyamotoæstraia, Commander of the Order of Denar, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Village chief of Sakura and Ibæraki, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Hunters, Mines and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Member of the Union of Miners, Member of the Silver Mines and Salt Producers Society

Isa Sælene Sæbástur Æwolf

President of the Union of Saddlers, President of the Wheelmakers Society, Grand mistress of the guild of Aegir, Grand officer of the Order of Merchants, Vicar of Gniezno, Mayoress of Novum Ostium Ursi, Commander of the Order of Believers and Denar, Priestess of Novum Ostium Ursi, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Hamlet chief of Sæbásturland, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Merit and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Weavers, Wheelwrights and Spinners, Member of the Saddle Makers and Breweries Society

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Armorial House Sæbástur

House Sæbástur

House Sæbástur

Founded on 1618753157

Characters: Dærrel “Silbear”: Grand master of the Order of Feather of Cervantes, Marquess of Cantabria, Translator (español), Grand cross of the Order of Ancients, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Peer of the realm of Amethyn, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit, Master of the guild of Aegir, Officer of the Order of Builders and Military Valour, Knight of the Order of Merit, Hunters, Denar and Merchants, Cæleste Sæbástur Dærreldottir: President of the Boar Hunters Society, Grand officer of the Order of Mines, Baroness of Grex Ursorum, Commander of the Order of Merchants, Village chief of Ursus Silva and Mons Ursus, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Hunters, Denar, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Ancients and Builders, Member of the Sapphire Mines, Sheep Breeders and Elk Hunters Society, Yato Sæbástur Satake: President of the Sheep Breeders Society, President of the Union of Shepherds, Mayor of Miyamotoæstraia, Commander of the Order of Denar, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Village chief of Sakura and Ibæraki, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Hunters, Mines and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Member of the Union of Miners, Member of the Silver Mines and Salt Producers Society, Isa Sælene Sæbástur Æwolf: President of the Union of Saddlers, President of the Wheelmakers Society, Grand mistress of the guild of Aegir, Grand officer of the Order of Merchants, Vicar of Gniezno, Mayoress of Novum Ostium Ursi, Commander of the Order of Believers and Denar, Priestess of Novum Ostium Ursi, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Hamlet chief of Sæbásturland, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Merit and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Weavers, Wheelwrights and Spinners, Member of the Saddle Makers and Breweries Society.

Family crypt: Æstraia “Ursæ Maior”: Countess of Ægir, Grand officer of the Order of Military Wounded, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Military Valour and Feather of Cervantes, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Builders and Hunters, Knight of the Order of Merit and Merchants, Tær “Oso Negro”: President of the Sheep Breeders Society, Officer of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Cartographers and Military Wounded, Member of the Turnip Growers Society, Helaía “La Cazadora”: Commander of the Order of Ancients, Knight of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Béor “El Oso”: Officer of the Order of Ancients.


30 years


ODMwOaeibZ6op6uMrZicnrh6rnumjGtvqaRymqujnJ65hq6ZrIipcaiKal2ttV6sqJevl5uWqYyn hZxtt6qLhJulfYyouNjZ43qpreHE6Zyah39srqRxl5unu7nlyNiMp4XKXbiIXnms1F6qqZe4mOnJ 7Nmah6dduIhecKzpqNPcl6ypm4e9vMehnG25emto7dOsjKii2dbow6WMp4moaKiNcGuql3Cqm6m6 jK2YqJ6ni6hwrIhqapupfJitpK2YroyqmKd6rnuammtdrqJeqKiXqZebirm8x6Gca7l6a37X5KaM qLjj1ui5nJm7iqtoqXpufJu1bIyuqOrb6LbgyJqHp126h15wppdyqsvk6oy5iJyoq3qpaMK2oqfo l36Zm6qnjK+ZnJmleqx6mod/jci+Xpy6l6mX38icmaW53JnZg15qqqtxna2lq4ytmJyeuHque6aM am+rqnKXq6acnrmGrpisiq9xpYptXa21Xqyol6+Xm5apjKeFnG23qouEm6V9jKi42Nnjeqmt4cTp nJqHf2qvqWyfm6e7u5uYqoy2i+ldp4VefaiXcZebq7q26cScmaWj3J/nxF59qJdxl5uru4yohZyc t3qpfsqnhV2rtl6ZptvqjKiF28zWuaVdp4lybailaZqbqbqMrZicnriGrmmnjGtqq6hvjK21qJ6n h66Zp4qtbpqMfF27pF6fppe4mZuHp4yql8yKwXpsfJukf8jo35yZvMHm2dl6qX6piWlrrpduq7nT 49DpyeaMp4XKXbiIXnms1F6qqZe4mOnJ7Nmah6eL1smao9uXbqmbpL28yKGcnLl6qWjstqxdqKKb 1ujgpYyoibCZrIaqbZqMfF2ttV6euaOul6+IqaCojq1drJhqb6arbJmvpbCdm4y6jLqHnHClenpq m6RpjKu0zLnCeqqrmoe9mefCXmq83qjZ2pepramHqJiairuA2sGaXbmlXqi605yZpnq8mZqNp12u mIWZm6Rpqtfs2Mvlx9iMuoeccKV6cnybpGmMq7ScmbyqybOairtdp4Wiq5ukacvb09uVm4eroKeL qm+nenB7m6l8jK21qJ6mjqmbpY2tcJqMfGmtonKZqqKvna56rqqamqldrYVeeaiXa5ebp7m8yKGc mrl6qX7Wx6ZdqLil1ujWnJm8iamfp4icbbmlnqzo4afQ4tOcmaaonKqoerhu13p8a5uzatrq5+mM qIW7jLiInHmrx6ud4tao2+rb6Yyrl5yZu6rJhJqKfV2oorDI6Zepl9jE6dWjeqlsrY1ubKepXp65 l66qm4y6mKyFqmusjGlrp5dwqqepp5qpjK6XqIacb7h6fmqbqmmMt6ScmaZ6rKnKp8NdqJlearzT q9SbpL3T5cfbjKebrXCsil5turReqqmXuKDlx5yZpXq8apqNaV2vtX7Tm6SntunEnKyneq9omo59 XaiiXpy4l6mty6fDjKqZnGqlvqxdqKKdzNfWpYyoia2bp4mqcJqMfF2ttV6euaOtnqqHqZuri7Bd rJhqbq2ma5mqqK2gm4y6jLqHnHClenpqm6RpjKu0zLnCeqqrmoe9mefCXmq83qjZ2pepraiOrpqt eqx8ycSrodjbqIyoosqMuYicqKu3nHuoenpp6eau2ZunuYyom8y5wXqsfJqHaa/X5V6ZptTm2eSD nJmpiqlupY1vXa21Xp65l66qp4usoKeOrnGmiV5vuaNvnK+ksJ6vhquMrJicfad6cWibs2uMqKLE zOK+2NXWeqloyHp8a5uzb8mbtaqMt4bq2+rHnGqlvqxdqKKdzNfWpYyoiaiYq46tbJqMfF2ttV6e uaOtmamFqZuli69drJhqbqilaZmqoq2fm4y6jLqHnHClenpqm6RpquLX5s3beqmXyHq6a5qWb5qb tWyMt6Pq2+vHnJmlzNirmodpmuXkp5WbpKs=

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