Dorothy Aleyn

Hamlet chief of Aleynville, Knight of the Order of Merit, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants

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Armorial Dorothy Aleyn

Dorothy Aleyn

Dorothy Aleyn

Born on 1720485932

Hamlet chief of Aleynville, Knight of the Order of Merit, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants

Heirs: Derick Aleyn: Officer of the Order of Mines, Hamlet chief of Aleynland and Aleyncity, Knight of the Order of Merit, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Robert Aleyn, Isabella Aleyn: Hamlet chief of Aleynmarsh, Knight of the Order of Merit, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Anthony Aleyn: Hamlet chief of Aleyniron, Knight of the Order of Merit, Mines and Merchants.

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NTQ2M3Roqad3bmSVendZp4VZa5hza6uFemuqpnlqWaeGZWuicmtnhnhqq3p6e561dV1soGh1ZpV0 ZFmKhInLoWhrvZV1fpXisFlmtq6jprlnZr+JeWyvomhteLSypqPkqq1Zh3J15bq8pp6lhV1mtpiG gJV3eFmHcpzayGhqqeC1p5fcpJ2h1aZZZoWqmevIqKTflXVofNGwoJnkZ2ZkuKqd3rtoaqnfqV1m oGhpdsWUgFmIhlmrm6Sq5pV1fqPiqllmtnlnaIxzWa6ZhKTe6bGkld6nWWmyZ2Z6qpSAnoqHZp6i d2lkoHlkbKVna3d6eXeejIZpsKJzbGylfGdmlXl3ZYx0ZK2NeHGsomhvd5WIZlmocll1h2dmqXp4 es7Cj11ntGhmetG0oVmHiKDox6ddq7Z3bmimdVlptIajpsS2nPJ6dWi63KixopV4dlmiiImGoWdp vXp1aPDRtl1moKWjpt5wWWaJ
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