Hipólito Beneke

Hamlet chief of Benekeland

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Armorial Hipólito Beneke

Hipólito Beneke

Hipólito Beneke

Born on 1720739184

Hamlet chief of Benekeland

Heirs: Shiraks Beneke: Steward of Albargenta, Village chief of Iponoba, Officer of the Order of Mines and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Merit and Merchants, Member of the Ash Forests Society, Judith Beneke: Lady of Nova Qart-Oba, Commander of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Priestess of Nova Qart-Oba, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Believers, Builders, Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded, Member of the Union of Rice Farmers, Member of the Paddy Fields and Draft Horse Breeders Society, Laureano Beneke: Village chief of Munda, Officer of the Order of Mines, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Blessed, Merit, Denar and Merchants, Cirilo Beneke: Commander of the Order of Mines, Village chief of Aipora, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Merit, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Member of the Slate Quarries and Boar Hunters Society.

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NjQ0M3+TiYR+k353hXlviXZbgXtkbYduhJaIhoKXb4mRZ4GEaWx9a2dqiV2FpnqXgIiCgnN3fHdl Zm9tdYunhHOWmXeAqavEu1t8mJ+lvJxYaJtshJiKhnOYjpq3pm+VZluMa5+fyadzlYWUs9GvvbNb f5RYaJCNhYJ6bZKIh4K2xL13gGa6xKKZtpmco7qcc5WFurfQvbe6nG+EY36rpZ+byV2Ak7i6t8iw d4BmubhYaHpdaHiqipqIiJZzlZCzwKNvhHmlvJ9YaJtvg5qHg3OYjpSzpK+9mKKrppdbinpzlZun oK9vh5Jkb4RnZ3poamuFaHOamHeFpm+JkWeBhGNtfXFkboldhaaGiYCTgYWHZ4KGWG2NXXhoenB+ iJaEc5V6d4N4n6R/W318WGibmcDQeoSUz7nEslt8mGdsf21nW4p8lszFd5GWb5SBorPGolt8aHWb w525yHqHkIh8mKOIlndoem9qY622q3OVhbS91biAc2h+
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