Alice Hosirus

Lady of Hampshire, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Cartographers and Mines

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Armorial Alice Hosirus

Alice Hosirus

Alice Hosirus

Born on 1724954331

Lady of Hampshire, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Cartographers and Mines

Heirs: Emma Hosirus Frost: Commander of the Order of Cartographers and Mines, Village chief of Avalon, Officer of the Order of Merit, Hamlet chief of Abaddon, Camelot and Caerleon, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Builders, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Charlotte Hosirus: Hamlet chief of Lasbrujas, Knight of the Order of Cartographers, Ethan Hosirus.

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NTA3M395loKHfG92hZleiHN7cJRhjZWFh4KWiYB9XoiRh3CDZI9yhGiIl3aFjIiWgG5xgXOXa3Zi hl6Gcqu1nXN8p3aAj5rDu3trl5zFq7VViKmFhX6cinN+fZK6v5y2VYhpmZ/JzMPDvIiGkG5rl6Oo hXZlml6DYL7ExHN7k8HAuJy9r7+mtpR7a4GYu9XEs7XJdoB5gbK7wp7FVYhptJi/yLdze5PAtG5r gXOLe6aCol6EdHuVl6+70HaAj6jDtXtrl2eLaoNie5iVlrjWusC+rL2vxJ12ZZheg3artZ1zfqd/ c3ttgn6Jaodkil6Ic3ualHOApoKFe22Kg4pshGF7cJRhjZWFh36XhIF6XoiRe36DVY5pdnGIiIN+ bpiTo5uFdoGaXoN2t6u+VYipvb27x3aAj22Ig49ydmWaer2Zuch2gHmrwMGyq8bBe26TVYh/poKi iIaSbpWBxaqsdoCGm8CixGd2Yoo=
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