Agata Zack

Hamlet chief of Zackland, Knight of the Order of Cartographers

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Armorial Agata Zack

Agata Zack

Agata Zack

Born on 1725533946

Hamlet chief of Zackland, Knight of the Order of Cartographers

Heirs: Artem Zack: Officer of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Zackland and Zackland, Knight of the Order of Denar, Aalis Zack: Commander of the Order of Merit, Priestess of Costa Rocosa, Village chief of Costa Rocosa.

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NTgxNYdgpqeKZp+WjbuRqLKdo3Sgr6VmjWiloYpjkaiZqaOjpK+kY5+splaNc5i2iFWkoXu5npah qJFmsc3FfXtjt5aIds3jw52et9vn3pWUqrlljWelo3tlsLK92eDSlKqci9Db3laLcpijnIW+vXut sJahqNSS4p2lYcai4tTCkdXeu9yRo5/g0aPi3d+Xe2Kjubed2NbKnZ6h0uDVltWdpWHFlpijhlWh s6vKuJaivJFjtdnlnntiueDIl5GjnK+hpZ+rkWaz0tSUwZzU37pVobN7qrLGwcSRZrOmmGOKYaOk i2Chqnuvr5amu5FosqmqY4tlpqSPZKKWjbudqKGtoWSisadne2e2lptikamGna2jlKqcVqS6yIOi Vaa1e2Ky0sjlkaO15Nuj052ld4pnqqOIVaG1l9/N5dCdnmHJ2dace2W1loh2wcOinaG1lKqcqNDr mGOGkuLjxF6Ro4o=
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