Agapiya Ironclad

Mayoress of Ironcladland, Village chief of Ironcladland

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Armorial Agapiya Ironclad

Agapiya Ironclad

Agapiya Ironclad

Born on 1726204921
Died on 1726250124

Mayoress of Ironcladland, Village chief of Ironcladland

Heirs: Godfrey Ironclad: Viscount of Ironhold, Commander of the Order of Merit, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Cartographers, War Cross, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Builders, Hunters, Denar, Military Valour and Civilian Victims, Member of the Ham Producers Society, Member of the Union of Winemakers, Vanya Ironclad: Lady mayoress of Ironhearth, Commander of the Order of Merchants, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Cartographers, War Cross and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Builders, Denar and Military Valour, Member of the Union of Chandlers, Leatherworkers and Perfumers, Dmitry Ironclad: Commander of the Order of Merit, Cartographers, Denar, Mines and Merchants, Village chief of Brasshill, Steelbrook and Ironspire, Officer of the Order of Blessed and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Member of the Hop Growers and Willow Groves Society, Valery Ironclad: Priest of Ironhold, Steelbrook, Ironhearth and Ironspire, Officer of the Order of Believers, Avlida Ironclad: Mayoress of Ironcladland, Village chief of Ironcladland, Officer of the Order of Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed and Builders.

NTk2OIWmeaeIqWuTi7tbpXudbY1pr3iAhqt2n4aqW6WXqW2gbqpremmqem+LuWuzhptunnm5aJNq qFt/es2YlnmpipOGvJfgwZ1otKTnqK5dqox+i659p3mreq+72abXsdlbfGjBuLnC2bLPuJtrsHmq fMOKxFt/fJ14er3pa6CE2pvPuKZboGypZn1wsH+Dea2Jk4u5W6WXqW2gbqpmfnGqd2+LuXelhqxo nomoaZ9dr3lvfaprgoSbh6B5qGaTibqLwISdaY5dqoyrxuNroJripeC4nWi0bK9ugXGde46V3afe ve+Xk4aof+Cn5pm2mdxrf5abeLSpyIKTibxboGjvl71dqnasw+i0nHmmd5OZqlumaJ13fF2qdm+J uJvAoJtpsnmqfM+q5Vt8fuS1vLibeLSIrW6ljZ1rsnnfl7qh8advhqaP4MPkmdq13Fujep1okI3K km+JumughN6X4XmqZt6q55m2meGzr7ibeJ6826jhueSck2qojLOk5KexuZt4nrfen9O6nWiep95b fGide4ypyJKTh7pboJrZqNtdqny5qt9rfJqteqeFrlujmMGo3abboquc5Ke4uJt7sHmofMOmxFuj fKZbenmdi3x5rnaTlahboISda7CNyoJva7xrfJrXuNt5qHzaw+qak2q+aoFwr39vibqH1bXmn+e1 nWiegeqluJvkp655q4iThryLwKCda7JdqmaymetrfITmuN234pfXwd2ak2qonq+q66u2upt4nqHX r93G3anhXapmuZ6deHp5q4jDpsJboZidaLSZ6qNvar61vLubeLSLqWini51rsoHqpbib5KeuwNe0 0nmreJOGvovAhJ1rjmadeH4=
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