Neron Sliz

Hamlet chief of Slizland

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Armorial Neron Sliz

Neron Sliz

Neron Sliz

Born on 1727024529

Hamlet chief of Slizland

Heirs: Roza Sliz: Prioress of Fire Fairy, Commander of the Order of Merit, Priestess of Gulfburg, Village chief of Rozariy, Knight of the Order of Cartographers and Merchants, Alexandra Sliz: Bishop of Chernomorsk, Vicar of Edess, Officer of the Order of Believers and Merit, Irina Sliz: Grand officer of the Order of Merit, Mayoress of Gulfburg, Village chief of Sosenki, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed and Cartographers, Gleb Sliz: Lord of Nova, Commander of the Order of Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers.

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