Snežana Krechetov

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Armorial Snežana Krechetov

Snežana Krechetov

Snežana Krechetov

Born on 1727624348

Heirs: Olly Krechetov: Grand master of the brotherhood of Nazair, Secretary of the Union of Tavernkeepers, Hamlet chief of Krechetovland and Nazair, Knight of the Order of Merit and Mines, Zinovy Krechetov: Hamlet chief of Krechetovland, Elder of the brotherhood of Nazair, Sashenka Krechetov: Hamlet chief of Nilfgaard, Elder of the brotherhood of Nazair, Abataly Krechetov: Steward of Ponte Al-Passato, Vice-mayor of Buon Sogno, Hamlet chief of Krechetovland.

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