Rosario Lotus

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Armorial Rosario Lotus

Rosario Lotus

Rosario Lotus

Born on 1727704841

Heirs: Beebz Lotus: Grand officer of the Order of Merit, Village chief of Valflorido, Camila Lotus: Hamlet chief of Lotusland.

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OTM3NXOEmaJ6imuOeb1YoHWfaphjsZeMeYSZoXaFWKCFq2qbabFjiWqulnp5l4qudHlrmWe7ZY5k qliKdM+3oWeHqY50mpTbr59lr57ppblXrKuJeoedomeJd7ux7ZTbm+lYh2LG1Mm3x4qehHllr5fM f45nvliHYvHGyGeGlcuxxqGXZ6xn
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