Armorial Mikhail Sharp |
Mikhail Sharp
Born on 1732987461
Heirs: Beatrice “The Devil In Allonge”: Lady of Tortuga, Village chief of Lapis, Officer of the Order of Merit, Cartographers and Mines, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Bleize “Cheerful Swashbuckle”: Village chief of Bermuda, Officer of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Prata and Astowa, Knight of the Order of Blessed and Mines, Peter “Don Pedro Sangre”: Hamlet chief of Taron and Ragwend, Knight of the Order of Merit, Cartographers and Mines, Charles “Uninvited Heir”: Lord of Polotesk, Commander of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Merchants.