Lucius Wrzosek

Prior of Spruce River, Officer of the Order of Builders, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Merit, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims

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Armorial Lucius Wrzosek

Lucius Wrzosek

Lucius Wrzosek

Born on 1734835861

Prior of Spruce River, Officer of the Order of Builders, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Merit, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims

Heirs: Quentin Wrzosek: Lord of Wrzoskowice, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Hamlet chief of Miedzianka, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Merit, Cartographers, Denar, Military Valour, Merchants and Military Wounded, Gilda Wrzosek: Commander of the Order of Builders, Village chief of Fir Lake, New Tristram and Wrzosekland, Officer of the Order of Mines and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Blessed, Merit, Cartographers and Agriculture Merit, Member of the Lead Mines, Wheelmakers and Fir Forests Society, Constance Wrzosek: Lady consort of Wrzoskowice, Village chief of Kalt, Officer of the Order of Builders and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Duncan Wrzosek: Lord of Oak Castle, Officer of the Order of Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Mines and Merchants.

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