Ānela Sirel, aka Ānela “La Fée”

Mayoress of Habūn, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Merit, Denar and Military Valour, Member of the Union of Stonemasons

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Armorial Ānela “La Fée”

Ānela “La Fée”

Ānela Sirel

aka Ānela “La Fée”

Born on 1738371701

Mayoress of Habūn, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Merit, Denar and Military Valour, Member of the Union of Stonemasons

Heirs: Péridot “L Incompris”: Count of Sirel, President of the Union of Undertakers, Lieutenant general of Nouvelle Garlande, Vicar of Nouvelle Garlande, Commander of the Order of Military Valour, Priest of Sirel, Officer of the Order of Denar and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Believers, Rulers, Hunters, War Cross, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Member of the Cheese Producers Society, Riel “Le Loup Blessé”: Mayor of Leparc and Käth Island, Officer of the Order of Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders, Merit, Denar, Military Valour and Mines, Member of the Union of Cutlers, Shaé “L Ange Noir”: Vicar of Nouvelle Garlande, Mayoress of Port Èphän and Zev, Priestess of Zev, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Believers, Builders, Merit, Denar, Military Valour and Military Wounded, Member of the Wheelmakers and Weirwoods Society, Member of the Union of Wheelwrights, Architects and Painters, Kël “L Ours Aux Yeux Bleu”: Lord mayor of Sirel, Mayor of Blanciel, Commander of the Order of Builders and Merit, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Military Valour, Merchants and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Hunters, Denar and War Cross, Member of the Wheelmakers Society, Member of the Union of Painters, Armourers and Stonemasons.

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