Tyrion Ludar

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Armorial Tyrion Ludar

Tyrion Ludar

Tyrion Ludar

Born on 1740576423

Heirs: Nuri Ludar: Lord of Alþingi, Commander of the Order of Merit, Secretary of the brotherhood of Alþingi, Priest of Alþingi, Hamlet chief of Hellir, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Cartographers and Agriculture Merit, Pitti Ludar: Grand master of the brotherhood of Alþingi, Commander of the Order of Merit, Village chief of Bryggja, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Brick Factory and Ludarland, Knight of the Order of Merchants, Gabriel Ludar: Officer of the Order of Merit, Hamlet chief of Viðrá, Elder of the brotherhood of Alþingi, Knight of the Order of Cartographers and Denar, Aishe Ludar: Stewardess of Alþingi, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Treasurer of the brotherhood of Alþingi, Hamlet chief of Aisheland.

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