Ophelia Ragnarsson

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Armorial Ophelia Ragnarsson

Ophelia Ragnarsson

Ophelia Ragnarsson

Born on 1740916638

Heirs: Oden Ragnarsson: Lord mayor of Hopium, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Merit, Denar, Mines and Merchants, Village chief of Forge and Esperance, Officer of the Order of Builders, Agriculture Merit and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Hunters, Cartographers, War Cross and Civilian Victims, Member of the Silver Mines, Pitch Producers and Nailmakers Society, Member of the Union of Potters, Ancel “Iznogoud”: Emir of Agrabah, Grand cross of the Order of Rulers, Grand officer of the Order of Merit, Lord of Union, Commander of the Order of Blessed and Denar, Officer of the Order of Believers, Builders and Military Valour, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Hunters, Cartographers, War Cross, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded, Authaire Ragnarsson: Grand cross of the Order of Agriculture Merit, President of the Cow Breeders Society, Lord of Beaupré, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Merit, Denar and Mines, Village chief of Durmstrang and Bellerive, Officer of the Order of Merchants, Knight of the Order of Builders, Cartographers and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Grooms, Cowmen and Welldiggers, Member of the Water, Horse Breeders and Manure Collectors Society.

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