Humidor Fogarty

President of the Union of Brickmakers, President of the Rum Distilleries Society, Mayor of Cunting, Commander of the Order of Builders and Merchants, Priest of Cunting, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Rulers, Knight of the Order of Believers, Merit and Denar, Member of the Union of Cabinetmakers, Glassmakers and Potters, Member of the Brick Factories, Cider Producers and Sausage Producers Society

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Armorial Parish of Cunting

Parish of Cunting

Parish of Cunting

Founded on 1698689230
Federation of Ingerland, Ursalia

Population: 8,616 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Humidor Fogarty: Priest.

In the same territory: Town of Cunting, Tileries Society, Union of Pork Butchers.

Trade route with: Innitsby, Weirbrook, Silvernip.

Quality label: Steel, since: 1718339243.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Cunting


Sphere: spiritual
Vassal of the parish of Minimack
Housing capacity for 18806 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

Patriarchate of Feizerpont - Robresse Augis
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