Armorial Parish of New Wullandell |
Parish of New Wullandell
Founded on 1711661079
County of Trovanel, Bishopric of Pippini, Loligos
Population: 80 inhabitants.
Important Characters: Armande Benis: Priestess.
In the same territory: Village of New Wullandell.
Trade route with: Pippini, Nekololigos, Millhouse.
Quality label: Chilli peppers, since: 1715775568.
Sphere: spiritual Liquidation - 1737594178 |
Members |
Armande Benis |
- Bishopric of Pippini - Hortbert “Casmillus”
- Vidamy of Benissimo - Flavius Benis
- Deanery of Nekololigos - Smol Benis
- Parish of Lead Belcher - Allan Benis
- Parish of Millhouse - Armande Benis
- Parish of New Wullandell - Armande Benis
- Parish of Benissimo - Flavius Benis
- Parish of Pomf Valley - Fug Benis
- Parish of Grimwaldland - Cecilia Grimwald
- Parish of Haguro - Gwendolyn Grimwald
- Parish of Antiochia - George Grimwald
Priests |
Temple |
Chilli peppers |
Granite |
Acorns |
Hop |