Luca Grozny, aka Luca “Saint”

Priest of Bermudsk, Dorestad, Ostrovgrad and New Arcland, Officer of the Order of Believers, Knight of the Order of Ancients

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Armorial Parish of Bermudsk

Parish of Bermudsk

Parish of Bermudsk

Founded on 1717132586
County of Orange, Bermuda

Population: 75 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Luca “Saint”: Priest.

In the same territory: Town of Bermudsk.

Trade route with: Minas Moria.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Bermudsk


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 4935 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MTMwM21wla1ob3Ctd3OCuW+FjmGBf5lhZ2qXrmpdgrllhXyte4F9ZYKEh2d3XaeoWXB7m3WAcKh6 c4Byn6CuVWd8h6h6mb3jWYCR4rnAr1V8lJZlZ22Vm2l8l+uXr3CoenOQYm+GklVte7XXnaa/m3mA cK56c4R0b4CSVWl6h6h6jZ3CWYOPm3x+s5G9c5RgpKrR2aCZtOOZsnCoera0nb2zzpZZapLGpqGw 6ahzfaa5tHBienOXcomKrptnfHCoeq+942+AkZ+8tYdiem+TrWtpcKt4kLDot8Ovo7Vzl3JZaqjL hoRwq3h8cKh+
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