Arkady Derfian

Lord of Kyrograd, Priest of Kyrograd, Village chief of Golden Valley, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Mines, Knight of the Order of Believers, Blessed, Builders, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Merchants

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Armorial Parish of Kyrograd

Parish of Kyrograd

Parish of Kyrograd

Founded on 1718091284
City-state of Mediolanum, Bermuda

Population: 4,725 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Arkady Derfian: Priest.

In the same territory: Lordship of Kyrograd.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Kyrograd

1 343.06

Sphere: spiritual
Vassal of the parish of Brest
Housing capacity for 8570 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

Primacy of Toledo - Oliver Lynx
NzMyM6qybLOisnWxtGeHvZd5k6Opc2uiqqtlsqWfh72ieYGyonuBpaJ0WKm0n3islrKAn7J0dayi Z4W0x5R/l6S+WKy328LnlnSW5uG0tJekiGenpLBmn6a+kezco7Tzl3SAtte0mdvS6Fivs5+CwMaU nJ+nhnWkoqqU5ZasY+rj6bPm0qu939ZngqLaq6Dl1uaZn6OqoOzap8Pul3SA4dhnZaKWr3XPw8Z1 rbVngsDTtL2XpIii5NifZcCorICxqGeFvr27wuHZtJTWlq91n6PApcy9Z4W+oGeAs5eHZZepqli7 o5+CqsWqtZ+kcsDT5Kum2pasY+nXn4KqlneSz8SOdaW2Z2W40uygn6PAv+zYZ4LAqXSAqalnaLa8 86Xp2Oyx3pZ3kp+kiKXEvmdotpasY+LS7XWsoaS13eGvtZekcpSXo6qp2+TtseaWdIDp2GeCouaq mJejqpff0ui17OpngqrhqHWkomdotMbMf5+kvnWst6PC55d0luHkqVikt7FjsKOvda+1hMLf5bZ1 p7RnZbjGzH+fpr5+n6N2
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