Adalisa Aretino

Mayoress of Adalisa, Priestess of Adalisa, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Cartographers and Merchants

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Armorial Parish of Adalisa

Parish of Adalisa

Parish of Adalisa

Founded on 1720377629
Emirate of Calimshan, Bermuda

Population: 1,748 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Adalisa Aretino: Priestess.

In the same territory: Town of Adalisa.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Adalisa


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 3280 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NTIzMGR3Y4dmgH93arduiXOZgLRhq2WhZn5qiGWAbol2pYCEYKeAqGambJZqiliXZWyBgli1e3di pG6mcsmFvVh6d3dljarEoJl7mJzju9VVpnmlZ4Brhlh8jZOX1bW7o9Vuo2C1pdansKHBWHyLd2W6 nqR8mX61VaZj2ZS6WIRjt7vBluCqu53ZrZZipJvWpbqYvplse4KD5rK3o+iu5KOZZaGirViEY2x+ lIjGlXdjuG6jdtWl3lh5ecGlrm6Eeat8hWGobqZ0tZfSn7Cms1h8i3dlup6kfJl+tV6ZZaU=
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