Madelaine Demustiere

Commander of the Order of Ancients, Cartographers and Mines, Village chief of Neufeld, Lyonfield and Riverryn, Officer of the Order of Hunters, Hamlet chief of Demustiereland and Tallenberg, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Denar, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Member of the Mahogany Forests Society

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Armorial Hamlet of Demustiereland

Hamlet of Demustiereland

Hamlet of Demustiereland

Founded on 1720849130
County of Myrthana, Mantolas

Area: 235 acres (0.4 mi²).

Population: 146 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Madelaine Demustiere: Hamlet chief.

Legitimate family: Demustiere.

Locate on the Map

Hamlet of Demustiereland


Sphere: territorial

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