Guenievre Burgonde

Priestess of Carmélide, Village chief of Carmélide, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders and Mines

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Armorial Parish of Carmélide

Parish of Carmélide

Parish of Carmélide

Founded on 1720915633

Population: 1,313 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Guenievre Burgonde: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Carmélide.

Trade route with: Burgondeland.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Carmélide


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 2250 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MjAzOGRnkW1naKNaao6TbKZwpamUgpOWbGiWa2Zqk2x2fKVnk4Sfm5l+lItqeoZ6ZVymZViMoFqV e5ObpaCzslhqpVplfc+noHCge8+64MqIfaeaZ3CZblhssnyosNyeyMHgy4h9kaioqcikoZvTWmiN k2epoMCyiICli2VnyZamXKBlo73dmM+s19PIr4aYY5/Gp6ac2ptYfZ6F1bTT2dew1NlYaZGkmVyg ZViAsIq1l5OZp3CTrJSpzlplfd2nmnCge5p+o5qXcJaqdpjTolh6oVp0hNqex7CTm6Vwk6yIia1a aHucWmV/
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