Ashly Outlette Locklow, aka Ashly “Servant of Eponine”

Vidamess of New Albany, Vicar of Gojira, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Priestess of New Albany, Eldoria and Farbanti, Village chief of Eldoria, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Cartographers, Denar, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Believers, Builders, Hunters, Military Valour, Civilian Victims and Military Wounded

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Armorial Parish of New Albany

Parish of New Albany

Parish of New Albany

Founded on 1721006381
County of St Petersburg, Bermuda

Population: 5,247 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Ashly “Servant of Eponine”: Priestess.

In the same territory: Vidamy of New Albany.

Trade route with: Nyanyaland, Empermound, Eldoria.

Quality label: Wine, since: 1720339089.

Locate on the Map

Parish of New Albany


Sphere: spiritual
Vassal of the bishopric of Gojira
Housing capacity for 6271 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

City State of Sintra - Isabel Kastroya
MTg0MHKeop5xomSOeJpZoK58a7ScjqOjcaOkn3SiWaCEiGubnYdppKGKpZZ4sZauc5NsmWaYZo6d h4jZ0HyjobHP49K01lmbccaajp2HWaatrMO9ZqG1jnO0lduufGav2smblp2dqKR2pqGOdrKCzrh8 Zpmsw5bS2dCWpoOTo6+WwICOdptZm5u/leSQiaHTptHg1qaTZpmifGaZ4bin5MzDlqNx3deOc56o 0aZ8ZpnbuKba3r+Wo3Hd145znlmeg6yGtZCKeJadndLjrpOjr7Dgm45znWucpIxslqCbuOCr1+PK ZqN2jnOdibu3fGm1mXyjpXKeoaF5pWWOeJpZoK58a7ScjqOicZ6nnHmgWaCEiGubnIdkp56Po5Z4 sZauc5NsmWaYZo6dh1mmrazDvWahtY5ztJXbrnxmr9fGptWQibekeaaim2ajeKq0v6DikIlklrCJ lqlxk6qslNOm36LFqI6dh6PXkImhtrHd39Kv01muc3xsmZCQeJadh5amg5Ojr5bAgI52m1mbm7+V 5JCJoeGz3dTVotehzqV8ZpnTvKbk0MPXlnOewduq06fdpsqnjp2Ho9eQiaGWdrDGu42TZ61miXrK 3cRZo7HG49hmoLegdKNsmWaMeLfQzlmjm5jd06Lc6o52sFmbh6yGtZCMeJ+QiaU=
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