Julius Wyv

Grand master of the brotherhood of Dragon's Stone, Priest of Dragon's Stone, Village chief of Dragon's Stone, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Mines and Agriculture Merit

Armorial Parish of Dragon's Stone

Parish of Dragon's Stone

Parish of Dragon's Stone

Founded on 1723689603
County of Nouvelle Zomeauville, Terra Borealis

Population: 719 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Julius Wyv: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Dragon's Stone, Brotherhood of Dragon's Stone.

Trade route with: Deepwood.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Dragon's Stone


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 1565 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NDgwOXqHd6aCh5KYgHeHqntZmZVpa3eFf49+qXmKh6qMZZmla2qai25keHeAmmq4e3yao251lJhq ZIeHeomXnm6KiZh7ncPltlmUuaSj1LZdZouGf5B3pW6Mpr2+oMvoq1mUgo+tu3d+mWqlj6y0v25p pphqZMqzq1l3grnJtNa1uMvgrpiHpWicy7+rmbG4bol1w7vAx+a9WZSjp5qHhGhZepSeqZGYfJuH pY+V1OBdZqjBqptqhI+Oeal9jYeojXjU1J+j0Hdqa7h3e4eY57jFx5h+doelfom0nl1piYBuiXk=