Invictus Sol, aka Invictus “Superstar”

Grand master of the Order of Ancients, Grand cross of the Order of Civilian Victims, Grand master of the guild of Saint Slavia, Grand officer of the Order of Builders, Commander of the Order of Merchants, Village chief of Invictusland, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Merit, Hunters, Denar and Agriculture Merit, Hamlet chief of Solland, Member of the academy of Veritatis, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Believers, Military Valour, Mines and Feather of Pushkin

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Armorial Hamlet of Solland

Hamlet of Solland

Hamlet of Solland

Founded on 1724229466
County of Asteria, Mantolas

Area: 551 acres (0.9 mi²).

Population: 88 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Invictus “Superstar”: Hamlet chief.

Legitimate family: Sol.

Locate on the Map

Hamlet of Solland

4 881.41

Sphere: territorial

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